Hi! What’s the best way to make a simple menu interface? I want to make very simple gui. Only some buttons and highlight when you move cursor on them. There’re still new versions of Unity, so i’m not sure what’s the simpliest way to do it.
The simplest way to start with this, in my opinion, would be to make sure you have version 4.6 installed.
First you need to make a canvas game object. These can be found under the UI category. This canvas is the house for all the new UI elements. You can set what camera the canvas is active for (this would be the main camera in a UI scene usually).
Second, you can add a panel to simulate a background by going in to this UI category again. A button can be added the same way.
The default button has a few properties that allow it to change colors, one being an active, one a hover, and one a disabled.
Adding the canvas also adds an event listener into your scene - this event listener is necessary for detecting the events in the UI.