Well I think everyone knows this error, but I’ll explain it anyway:
So this error appears just out of nothing, just is there when starting unity and seems to appear for no reaon! It seems to be in Unity scince 5.0 or at least I got it in 5.0 my first time! There error just disappears about after a week and usually returns in like 3 weeks again then! The error message appears on top of each script in the inspector in JS aswell as in C#! I browsed in the internet to find a possible solution but everone just told it’s there for no reason what I just accepted until now and allways just waited until it disappeared!
What the error does:
The scripts references doesn’t really work anymore, because the scripts doesn’t seem to be compiled anymore! Every script doesn’t see any other scripts in the “Standard Assets” Folder anymore, which means I’m not able to start my game anymore, because of upcomming errors, so I’m not sure if the scripts doesn#t get compiled anymore, it was just an assumption!
I reimported the whole project, nothing changed!
The error even appears on newly created scripts and deleting scripts doesn’t change anything, too!
The usual answer, that my namespace on my scripts doesn’t match the file names, is wrong, I checked it multiple times and well this error also appears on JS scripts where you don’t really have any namespaces!
I didn’t change anything on my project before the errors started!
Please help me, I’m looking forward to your replies and hope either that I did a mistake or that this annoying error gets fixed as I’m not the only one who has this problem!!
And by the way, my whole scene is mess, all fonts are changed and the size is either far too big or veeeery small, all pics have changed, are cutted, etc. :‘( please help me D’:
ah yes simple fix , what youve done is create a script with an error in it , and this error hasnt been fixed , so all scripts show this error to let you know that a script either has an error or is named wrong and in your case it seems its a script compler error simply click on the console window and click the red exclamation flag on the right so its enabled , a bunch of errors should pop up double click the error itll open monodevelop and should show the offending line of code with the error fix that and all should be well again.
In Project right-click Asset and select “Reimport All”
If that doesn’t work, select Edit > Preference… > External Tools > External Script Editor > and switch “Visual Studio…” to “Open by file extension” or vice-versa. Just switching was working!
Hello I had this Issue and I just found the solution. Probably if you guys are using a PC like me, the default scripting editor is Visual Studio. We need to make MonoDevelop as our default script editor.
Go to Edit> Preferences > External Tools> Here we have the option:
External Script Editor: we can select MonoDevelop (built-in) @dudester @JanVog
I had a similar problem today. First Comodo Internet Security Premium had a total fit after i updated to Unity 2019. I was locked out of all admin privileges and denied write/read access to everything. Took a few hours just to clean Comodo off my computer. Then Unity would always give me this:
Tried all the fixes in this thread, except for the registry. I couldn’t open the console window in the Unity editor because it would never show up. I changed to a different layout and it came back. Found the error message and fixed the compiler error and everything is working again.
I’m thinking Comodo is naughty and refuses to play nice with the newest version of Unity.
For new programmers who still get the problem. When you create a new script file rename it before you click enter or get saved, because if you rename it after it is saved, the error appears. That was my case.