SRDebugger - On-Device Console, Options Panel, and Bug Reporter

SRDebugger 1.0.1 has been approved and is now available on the asset store.

Here is the changelog:



  • Unity 5.0 Support.
  • Added option to Settings pane to require the entry code for every time the panel opens, instead of just the first time.


  • Removed debug message when opening Options tab for first time.
  • Fixed conflict with NGUI RealTime class.
  • Fixed layout of pinned options when number of items exceeds screen width.

Just a quick note to say Iā€™ve created a webplayer page to demonstrate the responsive design and basic usage.

Check it out here.

I just wrote my Asset Store review for this asset:

Absolutely the Best Asset of its Kind!

SRDebugger is absolutely the best asset of its kind on the Asset Store. Iā€™ve been looking for a way to see debugging info on device since I started developing with Unity a bit over two years ago. Since then I found two assest that handle this in various ways. But neither of them work as well, as easily, nor do half as much as SRDebugger does. It is pretty much a drag and drop solution. Just drag the main prefab into a scene, build, install on your device, and start using it. The amount of info it lets you see is amazing. And all of your Debug.Log output can be seen in its on-screen console. It works in the Unity editor too. And talk about great support! The developer is most responsive and helpful and fixes/improves things right away and puts them in the next release.

SRDebugger is invaluable for any developer. Iā€™ll never go without this asset and Iā€™ll include it in all of my production builds so Iā€™ll be able to work with users having problems to get me the info that I need to fix the problem.

Very professionally done. And just wait till you see what is coming. In one of the developerā€™s replies to my email he awed me with some of the new features heā€™ll be implementing soon.

Donā€™t wait for any sale. This is worth WAY more than itā€™s current price. Get SRDebugger now. Believe me. You need it!

I guess anybody can tell that I like it.


Thi is a bit unrelated, but what font did you use on the system? Its really attractive.

Orbitron is the primary font.
Source Code Pro for mono-space.

@TokyoDan , as I said via email, thanks very much for the review. Iā€™m glad youā€™re finding SRDebugger useful!

Looks really nice and polish, congratz man :slight_smile:

Great tool! I was about to build my own debug options and you saved me a lot of work.

My only complaint at this moment is this parenthesis pair visible on option buttons - they donā€™t offer any useful information - I know a function is called then, so whatā€™s the point. They take space and look butt ugly :slight_smile:

@thienhaflash , thanks!

@tosiabunio , thanks for purchasing. Itā€™s good to hear this is going to save you having to create your own!

Re. the parenthesis, you know, now that you mention it, I agree. Itā€™s hard to believe I didnā€™t notice beforeā€¦ Iā€™ll likely make some changes there for the next version.

Known Issues

  • In 4.6.2p2 onwards (including 4.6.3) the console list layout is handled incorrectly. I have a fix in place, and the next version will include it.
  • Trigger position setting in the Settings window is not checked on startup. Setting SRDebug.Instance.TriggerPosition at runtime works correctly. This will also be fixed in the next version.
  • SRDebugger does not support IL2CPP yet. Iā€™m working on this, but waiting on fixes from Unity before this can be supported.
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Hey All,

The next feature update isnā€™t due for a few weeks yet, but the console layout bug is a pretty urgent problem in my mind. It renders the console tab useless in 4.6.3. So, Iā€™ve just submitted a small patch release to the Asset Store today which fixes that. This isnā€™t the feature update, which will include the bug reporter and Windows Store support.

Iā€™ll post again when itā€™s available. :slight_smile:

Another small suggestion - it would be great to have the option (in settings for example) to decide which panel active when SRDebugger is activated for the first time. For me the most important and most frequently used panel is the options and I need to switch to it every time I run the game and activate the debugger. During development we run quick sessions very often and this doesnā€™t allow us benefit much from the fact that it remembers the last used panel in the same session - new session restores defaults.

Good idea, Iā€™ve added it to the roadmap.

Just posting to say 1.0.2 is now up on the Asset Store. Upgrading is recommended if you are using Unity 4.6.3 (Or Unity 4.6.2p2+)

Hi, I was developing a game for Windows and when I saw your asset I bought it thinking that it would be as good for Desktop debugging as for mobile devices, which I donā€™t plan to build for. The problem is, whenever I open the debugger it gets the focus of my keyboard and doesnā€™t let me type (left + space) without opening the debugger again.

It makes the asset impossible to use for me, so if thereā€™s any way of getting back the focus of the input I would really appreciate it.

Hi @Mangas , thanks for purchasing.

What are you using to get keyboard input in your game? SRDebugger uses the new Unity Event System added in 4.6, I suppose that could be conflicting with what you use.

If youā€™re also using the Unity EventSystem, you could try adding this to an Awake()/Start() script in your scene to see if forcing unity to deselect the focused object when the panel closes helps.

SRDebugger.Internal.Service.Panel.VisibilityChanged += (panel, visible) => {
    if(!visible) UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(null);

If so, Iā€™ll make SRDebugger do that automatically in the next version.

EDIT: I should also add, Iā€™m using SRDebugger myself for a first-person desktop game and will be adding some more desktop-focused features (keyboard shortcuts in particular) in an update sometime.

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I didnā€™t realize the asset was ussing the Event System, now everything is working fine.

Thank you very much!

PS: Have you considered adding custom debug tags to the console, apart from Log, Warning and Error?

Hi - this is a quite handy asset! Slight issue - I seem to be getting an error when I go from a scene that doesnā€™t have the SRDebugger.Init prefab in the scene into a scene that does have it. Hereā€™s the error:

NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.
System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetExportedTypes () (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono-runtime-and-classlibs/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection.Emit/AssemblyBuilder.cs:680)
SRF.Service.SRServiceManager.UpdateStubs () (at Assets/StompyRobot/SRF/Scripts/Service/SRServiceManager.cs:262)
SRF.Service.SRServiceManager.AutoCreateService (System.Type t) (at Assets/StompyRobot/SRF/Scripts/Service/SRServiceManager.cs:287)
SRF.Service.SRServiceManager.GetServiceInternal (System.Type t) (at Assets/StompyRobot/SRF/Scripts/Service/SRServiceManager.cs:85)
SRF.Service.SRServiceManager.GetService[IDebugService] () (at Assets/StompyRobot/SRF/Scripts/Service/SRServiceManager.cs:37)
SRDebugger.SRDebuggerInit.Start () (at Assets/StompyRobot/SRDebugger/Scripts/SRDebuggerInit.cs:44)

Any thoughts? Iā€™m running Unity 4.6.3f1

Hi @djfrail , thanks for purchasing.

Does the error occur in the editor or in the built player? If player, what platform was it on?

Iā€™m glad itā€™s all working!

As to custom tags, itā€™s a feature Iā€™ve considered. It might be included in a future version, but no guarantee yet.

Error is in the editor. Iā€™m on PC.

Hi again,

it seems that your asset itā€™s not currently supported on Unity 5, the scripts of the UI break when trying to compile, the main reason seems to be this:

The type or namespace name ā€˜UIā€™ does not exist in the namespace ā€˜UnityEditorā€™ (are you missing an assembly reference?) in \stompyrobot\srf\scripts\ui\editor\srnumberbuttoneditor.cs

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Hi Mangas, does that error occur in the Unity Editor or in Visual Studio? Iā€™ve noticed that compile error occurring when using UnityVS (Visual Studio Tools for Unity), but it doesnā€™t affect compiling in the Unity Editor itself.

@djfrail , Iā€™m looking into the error.