Not yet available, will be submitted for review today, but I need the thread URL ahead of time
Ok, unexpected, but it was approved in a mere 2 hours
If you own the “Stylized Water Shader” asset, you can get this for free until 2021, after which a 20% discount is available.
This thread can be used for feedback and suggestions (always welcome) and general support questions.
Beautiful I’m jumping on this. Any limitations vs regular SW?
Can I have multiple bodies of water without them sharing reflections ? (Having their own reflections)
Nothing beyond what’s listed on the store page already
Reflections come from reflection probes (or the default skybox reflection). Planar/mirror reflections aren’t in there, since I’m still figuring out the best approach, so will be added in a future update. One point of improvement will in fact be separate reflection renders. This wasn’t possible before, mainly because of a design limitation.
Oh that’s wonderful. I can’t wait to get this update. Is there a time line ? Perhaps a Xmas gift hint hint
and SW2 is pretty as hell.
Sent you some messages on Discord. Tried this shader in my massive world today and ran into issues. Is there a page on this asset’s limitations? I couldn’t find one in the doc, and it’s possible there is some configuration needed not mentioned in the docs for massive open worlds or maybe it’s not compatible.
You can simply scale the object so that it fits the entire world. Though this will thin out the vertex density of the mesh quite drastically, if you want detailed wave animations it’s important maintain a high vertex count relative to its size.
The amount of subdivision for a mesh can be configured in the mesh asset’s inspector
But the mesh shouldn’t exceed 100K vertices, otherwise is starts to becomes mangled.
You could create multiple objects, laid out in a grid. Or use a single (smaller) mesh, that follows the camera around on the XZ axis (if there is enough fog, the edge would be hidden). As long as the UV source under the General tab is set to “World XZ Projected” this’ll work.
Though for the latter you will need the attached script. This ensures the mesh doesn’t simply follow the camera, but snaps to a grid matching the vertices. Without this the waves will appear to “swim” over the water surface.
The mesh size and subdivions need to match that of the water mesh for this to work smoothly. It also needs to be a rectangle, rather than a circle/disk.
6489399–729486–WaterObjectFollow.cs (2.13 KB)
I wonder if it’s a URP version issue. I’m running latest 2020.1, URP 8.2.0
Even at scale of 1,1,1 it looks black:
Ah, I misunderstood, I didn’t release the black part was also part of the mesh. I checked in 8.2.0 but can’t reproduce anything similar. Does the light direction influence it, or disabling the Lighting/Translucency features?
Seems fine when the Lighting enabled checkbox is unchecked (set to false).
(some of my vegetation doesn’t appear at this distance due to draw distance)
Can you describe in more detail what the Lighting features do and how they are implemented? It’s possible Lighting features conflict with other lighting / sky assets.
Ah, then the culprit lies somewhere there. When Lighting is enabled, the water is affected by directional/spot/point lights and ambient light. This is needed if you have dynamic lighting, so the water reacts accordingly to lighting changes. When disabled, it basically comes an Unlit material.
Are you using any third party lighting assets? If so, I can check if adding them reproduces the black artifacts.
I’m using Azure[Sky] Dynamic Sky as my sky solution. Can you check with that asset?
Note that I’m not using Skybox ambient lighting, but instead Color:
Many stylized games use Color for the less realistic look. Azure Dynamic Sky updates the color in realtime as time of day changes. Note that I’ve made the changes for the Azure fog you mentioned in the docs.
Gotcha! I can check again with Azure in the scene, hopefully that’s the differentiating factor. Once I can reproduce it, I can track down which part of the shader is responsible and fix it. Though, I won’t be able to get to this until next Tuesday.
Submitted v.1.0.2 with a few requests:
- Support for Boxophobic’s Atmospheric Height Fog (can be enabled through the Help window)
- Shader now correctly takes the mesh’s vertex normal into account, making it suitable for use with spheres and rivers
Verified compatibility with Wavemaker
Starting fleshing out an idea for water projectors, which can be used to inject specific details into the water, such as lilies, moss and debris. Next to being able to use trail and particle renderers as projectors, allowing things like boat wakes and swimming effects. Custom materials are also supported, so any custom shader effects can be projected (color only).
All still needs more work, but this’ll be available as a separate extension down the line.
Submitted version 1.0.3, which adds planar reflections. Notable difference between the planar reflections from SW1:
- It can now can apply to specific water mesh objects. So multiple reflection renders are now possible, making it more suitable for larger worlds @QbAnYtO
- There is a static SetQuality function, which can globally enable/disable it, as well as modify the rendering scale. This is with graphics settings the player can set in mind.
- Reflections are blended with the skybox reflections, so the water will retain its visible curvature rather than looking flat.
Unfortunately VR is not supported.
- Water Object script, as a general means of identifying and finding water meshes between systems, this is now attached to all prefabs
- Planar reflections renderer, enables mirror-like reflections from specific layers
- Buoyancy sample positions of Floating Transform can now be manipulated in the scene view
- Error when assigning material to Floating Transform component, or not being able to.
That’s beautiful man. But will you add support for multiple reflections into the original stylized shader?
Great asset, looks good and easy to use - Cheers for that!
I’m having trouble though, I cannot assign a Water Mat to my objects. I tried replicating exactly your demo scene, but it just refuses to change the value of the waterMat on the floatingTransform.
I can change the material of your demo objects though (I assume because they already have a valid value).
Any idea?
Thanks in advance,
Edit: I got around it by disabling the custom editor (comment the [CustomEditor(typeof(FloatingTransform))] line), assigning the variable, then reenable the custom editor.
Afraid not, this would require to restructure much of the code. With SW2 I was able to start from scratch and keep this limitation in mind in the new design.
Thanks for the headsup, glad it’s to your liking!
I fixed this in version 1.0.3, which should be available shortly. I hadn’t noticed before, since all my testing objects already had a material assigned.
In the upcoming update the component no longer requires a material reference, but rather a new “WaterObject” component. But updating to this new version will automatically assign it so you won’t notice the difference