TextArea entering text backwards

Has anyone seen this before, when I’m testing my TextArea in the editor as I type the i bar stays at the front of the input field meaning that all text comes out backwards.

So “hello world” comes out “dlrow olleh”

When I make an exe and run it it works as normal. Any ideas how to stop this happening or what might cause it. Re-starting doesn’t help.

Its totally bizarre, or errazib yllatot

It sounds like the editor is confused about language settings (some languages write text right to left, and I think UnityGUI supports this). Not sure what the solution would be but that may be the cause and might point you in the right direction.

.taht fo draeh t’nevah I, oN. gnitseretnI.

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Just as weirdly as it began it has now righted itself… :?

dog knaht.

I guess just posting here is enough sometimes.


it just started doing it again.

i don’t think that is it, when it does it I can’t select text, so its either constantly re-setting the i bar position every frame or it thinks the text length is zero.

i should say as well, that in the same window I have textFields and they all work as normal.

And…it’s working again. This is nuts.

Sounds a lot like an issue I ran into. If it’s caused by the same thing that caused this for me, then UT is hot on the trail of a fix which should appear with the next update. Just to be sure though, I’d post a bug report.

Its so random I’m not sure I can send them a reproduceable case. I’ve been working in this project for 2 weeks and its the first time I’ve seen it.

We have had reports of this as well, but haven’t been able to reproduce it at all.

We have mentioned it to UT too, so provided they can find it, it should be fixed soonishy. Yes, soonishy.

Edit: Monark, as a note, it still might be worth you filing a report from inside the editor, as that will provide your machine details. That might help them reject possible causes more quickly.


I have this problem, too. But only in the webplayer and only for some textfields!

I have this problem too.
It can even start normally and then when I have written like 3 letters it starts
writing backwards.

If you have a web player posted that exhibits this then please get a bug logged, include the URL and the source project if you can. Otherwise, steps to reproduce or any other information would help, thanks!

I believe this is an issue with gui control ids changing in windows e.g

function OnGUI () 
  windowRect = GUILayout.Window (0, windowRect, winProc, "My Window");

function winProc(windowID : int) 
  if( today == tuesday )
    pizzaTopping = GUILayout.TextField (pizzaTopping);
    pizzaTopping = GUILayout.TextField(pizzaTopping);
    pizzaSize = GUILayout.TextField (pizzaSize);

I have split my windows into completely separate components (e.g I have a askPizzaToppingIfTuesday.js and a askPizzaToppingAndPizzaSize.js code files) and it seems to work so far.

I haven’t finalised the code yet so I’m not 100% sure it’s fixed for this reason - but if helps anyone by giving them a new way to refactor their code then good! … and don’t forget I like pizza.

I am also experiencing this issue, but just to add cream to the pie, it only occurs on one textfield out of the whole application, and only on built runtimes (not when played in editor).

I’m putting together a bug report now.

I am actually seeing this issue now…is this still a known issue?

I thought they fixed it, haven’t seen it for ages now.

I am only seeing this when I am using a TextField in a GUI.Window. Is anyone else seeing this still? Is Unity aware this is still an issue? (Also, I am on the latest 3.4.*)

I’m on 3.5.1 and still seeing this issue. It’s very difficult to give a reproducible case though as it’s so random. Happens maybe once a day with someone intensively using a text area control.
Seeing it inside a GUI.Window too as mentioned above.

I have experienced this bug sporadically since starting to use Unity years ago. It is still around in 3.5.5f3, because I actually just had it for the first time in Unity’s Inspector (a custom inspector that happened to be using GUILayout.TextField rather than the editor version).

Even after seeing the bug for years I have no idea how to reproduce it, but it would be nice if someone actually looked into it – the keystroke is actually pre-pended onto the string; it isn’t a display issue. That has to narrow it down a bit. Maybe it is switching to a right-to-left language interpretation or something.