Transform.InverseTransformDirection ALMOST worked with character-facing direction!!!!

Hello, I’m working on my first 3d platformer and while I’ve been able to solve a surprising number of problems on my own, there’s one thing that has had me stumped for some time. My script:

#pragma strict

//declaring object variables
var controller:GameObject;		//gameObject with ControllerScript attatched
var hero:GameObject;			//"Player" gameObject -- moves hero AND camera when running
var heroMesh:GameObject;		//"Mesh" gameObject -- moves hero (and not camera) when jumping
var cam:GameObject;				//"CamRotY" gameObject. I rotate this on it's Y axis with the right stick
internal var facing:Vector3;

//declaring controller variables
internal var moveY:float;		//move hero forward/back 
internal var moveX:float;		//move hero left/right

function Update () 

	//defining controller variables
	moveY = controller.GetComponent(ControllerScript).leftStickY;
	moveX = controller.GetComponent(ControllerScript).leftStickX;    	

function FixedUpdate()
	//Determine hero facing with left stick 
	if(moveX || moveY){
		facing = new Vector3(moveX, 0, -moveY);
		facing = cam.transform.InverseTransformDirection(facing);
		heroMesh.transform.forward = facing;

This script is attatched to my hero. I have another script attached to the camera which allows me to rotate the camera around the hero without making him turn as well (Just like in GTA 5). There’s another script (ControllerScript) that handles input from my Xbox controller.

Just like in GTA 5, when I tilt the left stick upwards, the hero SHOULD turn and walk away from the camera, no matter what direction said camera is facing. My problem is turning the hero in accordance to the camera’s direction.

I tried transforming my hero’s “facing” Vector3 from world space to my camera’s local space with cam.transform.InverseTransformDirection(facing). This almost worked, but not quite.

Now, when my camera is pointed north or south (cam.transform.forward.x = 0), the hero turns exactly where he should when I use the left stick. This is good.
However, when my camera is facing east or west (cam.transform.forward.x = 1 or -1), the hero turns exactly OPPOSITE of where he should when I use the left stick. This is NOT good.

Here are some pictures that may help show what my problem is. Take note the direction my hero is facing, my left stick input (arrows), and cam.transform.facing (printed).


This has been a real pain in the butt for me. I will build a shrine and dedicate it to whoever can help me with this!!!

facing = cam.transform.forward; // Shortcut for cam.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward)
facing.y = 0;
transform.forward = facing;