Trouble in GL lines - change color

Good afternoon. Help please, I have the following problem. I draw an object trajectory by means of GL in a camera script as onPostRender. At a trajectory the fixed color which the user can change in settings. At check in UnityEditor everything is normal. Further I import the project to Eclipse and I appoint to it the minimum API level for Android 2.2. Then I rebuild the project and hollow apk which I transfer to the device with android 2.3.3. There everything works perfectly, but I begin with a certain approach to object color of lines of a trajectory changes on black though it has to be green by default. Prompt that this such occurs and whether it is possible to get rid of it. Thanks in advance for the help.
Function in object

 public void drawTr() {

Function in camera script in C#

 void onPostRender() {

I found solution. In new shader create properties of color via

Properties { _Color (\"Main Color\", Color) = ("+color.r+","+color.g+","+color.b+","+color.a+")

THAT’ s work in android, but if change color - new shader

Could you give more explanation over this ?