"Unable to load asset..." when asset filename is accentuated (Addressables)

Hi, I’ve encountered an issue happening after build only, not in the editor.

For each asset that i load that hasn’t any accent like “Hello”, it loads it well, however, for “Cómo”, it throws this error in Android Logcat System.Exception: Unable to load asset of type UnityEngine.AudioClip from location Assets/.../Spanish/C?mo.wav

Any thought on how to solve this please? (Yes i could simply rename it, i would like to not, and i don’t remember that this was an issue before not long ago, i might have changed a setting or smth, it shouldn’t be a problem to have accents, i mean, it handles well chinese characters, japanese etc… why not ‘à’, ‘é’ etc… ?) Thank you:)

Simply rename it! :wink:

The thing is that non-ASCII characters aren’t naturally supported on all operating systems. It is therefore generally best practice to only use these characters in filenames: A-Z a-z 0-9 and certain symbols like underscore, dash, dot but only to accenuate empty space because empty space can still be, even to this day, cause problems.

Does it? It’s quite different if just the app GUI is localized but for file names and paths other rules apply.

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First of all, thank you for your answer and sorry for the late response!

I found the option in AddressableAssetSettings asset. You have to change ‘Full path’ to ‘GUID’, it worked just fine after it, for me.