Unity Hub not opening at all (I have looked at other similar posts)

For the past few weeks, I have had difficulties opening the Unity Hub. After I click the Unity Hub icon, there is a brief loading sign, and nothing happens. After this loading sign, the Unity Hub task does not appear to be running. I have tried a couple of things to fix this issue. To list a few I have tried…

  • Uninstalling and reinstalling the Unity Hub
  • Installing previous versions of the Unity Hub
  • Opening the Unity Hub executable
  • Trying a few other solutions from other posts such as checking my ipconfig and environment variables
  • Turning off my antivirus
  • Opening the Unity Hub with administrator access
  • Installing the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (I already had it)

I would like to note that I am not very familiar with environment variables and the info-log, but I did notice that many of the errors mentioned paths. I am mainly looking for a way to get back to working on my game whether this means fixing the Unity Hub or using some workaround, anything helps.

9114976–1264303–info-log1.txt (5 MB)

I would like to note that I have continued to work on my game by directly opening the Unity Editor, but it would be great to figure out the cause of the bug.