Use editor icons in game?

Odd question, I am creating an RPG with a bunch of items that can go into the players inventory and should have icons. Now the way my inventory works I store a Transform of the item so that it can be spawned back into the game later. The objects are of course all prefabs, and in the unity editor they all have icons that appear to be isometric snapshots of the item in question. It would save me a ton of time and resources if I could use that automatically generated icon image in my inventory instead of having to make one for each and every single item in my game. Is this possible? and if so can I get it out of a transform?

Thanks in advance : )

using UnityEditor;

public GameObject tower;
Texture2D icon1 = AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(tower);

Thats all I needed to make it work, the big contra is, that these Thumbs have no Alpha channel :frowning:

You can’t sadly. The picture isn’t an icon/ image but instead a live rendering of the object. The only way you can get an image of the icon would be the good old screenshot and crop method.

p.s. I’ve just seen this line which may work.

var icon1 : Texture2D = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon("Assets/Buildings/Assembly1.prefab");