Very Useful Information

It would appear some very useful information has been hidden inside the tooltips for the component classes within the input system package.

I have never seen this much information in a tooltip for a class before, so, it seems quite strange to me that it is there at all, as it could be easily missed.

This information is almost exactly the answers i needed, and, which held up my production early in use with this package - its not clearly documented, however… this does seem quite clear.

I mostly post this to show you guys that there is some very useful info here, this is just one example :slight_smile:

Hope this helps somebody…


I think that’s just these pages: Class InputAction | Input System | 1.0.2

It’s good information but a bit hard to navigate I feel. I prefer the ScriptReference site but none of this is over there. Is this the new way going forward for documentation or has it just not been put together yet?

It had the feel of someone working on the stuff to simply add in the info cos they could. Kinda cool but not as an only source.