suddenly, on the Muse Chat screen, when writing to muse in the text box, the input seems to appear on the wrong direction. as if the letters are getting added from the left instead of from the right. (text is reversed)
and the pointer to current position does not move right, but stays at index 0 (start of the input box)
On the start screen, before muse is loaded, when writing an input - it un-selects the input text-box.
Everything worked great yesterday, this bug only started appearing today.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, I have the same issue and it only started today.
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Me too, and also if I type a text, The focus in the input space disappears. EVERY SINGLE TYPE
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Same problem. Started today.
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Same here, it loses focus after each typed symbol on Safari (v 17.0).
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As a workaround for now you can paste text into the chat box and it stays the right way around.
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great workaround!
hopefully this will be solved before the beta ends.
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This is quite fascinating! Have shared this with the team. We are working to land changes for Unite hence lots of work going on in prod Sorry for any inconvenience!
Will keep you posted on updates!
Best, Martina
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Same issue yesterday. Thought it was only me. Not happening on other websites. I shut my computer off overnight and came back and the issue still exists today. My temporary workaround is to write a message in Notepad and then copy+paste it into Muse.
Hi! This has been resolved now! We had a wider issue than the input box that was reported here From the team: Chat is temporarily down [input field, streaming error etc.] 🪲 - #4.
But we are up and running again, enjoy using Muse!
Best, Martina
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