Weird 360 rotation when using timeline


I am pretty new to unity and Csharp, but loving it so far.
I am going through some course on ucademy and I am using timeline.

I am using my camera and making the camera move with the timeline.
Every time I want the camera move I go with my camera and set it with “Align With View”
Sometimes the moving camera does the 360 move and I dont know what is the casue, here is the video:

Thanks for the help

I was trying to find the solution to this exact problem, and I found a post on another forum that fixed it. Even though I’m 2 years late to your question, I still thought I would respond, since nobody else did. Basically, all you have to do is open the animation panel of the object with the rotation issue, left click on the “Rotation” track, and set the interpolation to Quaternion. From what I understand, the issue comes from your view having equal but different rotation values from your object. If your ship was rotated 360 degrees and your view was at 0, even though they’re facing the same way, Unity wants to make them the same rotation, thus causing the random 360’s. Another fix is to manually change the rotation, but that doesn’t work all the time. My explanation as to why this happens could be wrong, but in any case, setting it to Quaternion worked for me. 197747-answer.png