What is the right way to modify depth of field focal distance via script at runtime?

I’m trying to use the built-in (Pro) DOF to selectively blur objects “in the background” while keeping the foreground crisp. But since the 2 dof filters in Unity will end up blurring everything that has alpha and all my objects (background and foreground) have alpha, I had to recur to two cameras and a foreground and background layers. So far so good.

But since I can’t cause objects to blur or not based on their distance (since I’m doing the fixed layers), I thought the only way around it would be to instead modify the dof focal distance via a script at runtime. That is, when I want to focus on the foreground, I’d grab the background camera (with the dof script attached), and get the DOF script off it and modify it’s focal distance.

I tried this (assume a MonoBehaviour, etc…):

Unity 3.4 DOF

// ...
private DepthOfField34 DOF34;

void Start() {
	DOF34 = GameObject.Find("BackgroundCamera").GetComponent();
	// ...

void Update() {
	// ...
	if (shouldFocusOnForeground) {
		if (DOF34.focalZDistance > 1.0f) {
			DOF34.focalZDistance -= 10f;
	else {
		if (DOF34.focalZDistance < 1000.0f) {
			DOF34.focalZDistance += 10f;

But the script property “Focal Distance” doesn’t move at all.

Then I tried the other DOF:

Unity 4 DOF Scatter / DX11

// ...
private DepthOfFieldScatter DOFx;

void Start() {
	DOFx = GameObject.Find("BackgroundCamera").GetComponent();
	// ...

void Update() {
    // ...
	if (shouldFocusOnForeground) {
		if (DOFx.focalLength > 1.0f) {
			DOFx.focalLength -= 10f;
	else {
		if (DOFx.focalLength < 1000.0f) {
			DOFx.focalLength += 10f;

With this one, instead, only one time does 10 get subtracted or added to the focalLength. It just looks like a bug to me. But hopefully I’m just doing something wrong. Any ideas? (btw, I also tried in LateUpdate())

Someone asked a similar question on the forums:

Basically, you would be able to modify DepthOfField32.objectFocus, which is a transform.
So you’d need to have a Transform object in your scene, which you move as you want to refocus the camera, while setting the objectFocus.

I didn’t try it yet myself though. Curious to hear if it works.