I wanted to make a 3D game to play in the company of friends and can not understand what technology you need to use in order to connect via Radmin or Hamachi - p-2-p or p-s-p? And what should I use - Mirror, Photon, or something else?
That doesn’t matter at all since Hamachi and Radmin are just a VPN providers, at least that’s the only part that’s interesting. So once your players have established a VPN they are in a virtual private network. Each player has its own private IP address inside the virtual network and depending on what protocols the VPN supports players can directly connect between each other. In general UDP and TCP will always work.
Note that P2P is essentially the same as server-client communication, just that everyone is essentially his own server and everyone can directly connect to anyone else. However the actual connections are the same. What kind of server model you want to use is up to you what your requirements are and what kind of data you need to exchange.
Questions that ask for suggestions about what 3rd party library you should use do not belong here on UA as this is a pure subjective question which will lead into a discussion. This is a Q&A site. If you want to discuss different approaches you should ask this question on the Unity forum.
Your question is way too unspecific. The mentioned VPN is actually irrelevant. The choice of which networking solution you should pick depends on the type of game, the data amount, the general game model (server or client authoritative) and many other factors.