What the angle argument means in the Transform.RotateAround function?

The declaration of the RotateAround function is:

public void RotateAround(Vector3 point, Vector3 axis, float angle);

Let’s say we have a GameObjectA in the position A with the above script attached, and another GameObjectB in the position B:

float speed = 10f;

void Update () {		 
	transform.RotateAround (B, Vector3.up, speed * Time.deltaTime);

So if I understood well, the GameObjectA will rotate around the GameObjectB. The GameObjectA will pass by its original position once per loop. The rotation will be around the Vector.up axis. The rotation will be at the speed 10. However the declaration of the argument says that argument is to enter the angle, not the speed. Is it a mistake? Am I confused with something about maths or English?

UPDATE: I have drawn a picture that should help you a lot to understand how RotateAround work. See here the picture: http://answers.unity3d.com/answers/1200748/view.html

In the snippet, the amount to rotate (angle) is controlled by time * speed per frame. I think you may be overthinking it. It’s just using time as the amount to rotate per frame. speed * time is the angle for that frame.