What's stopping you from completing your 2D games in Unity?

Hi @Jonathan-Westfall-8Bits , I’m not sure about what should I do here but I can share some links to posts I wrote years ago, asking for very basic things.

In this thread I collect all the modifications I had to do to the 2D Renderer in order to achieve some visual effects and optimizations. In summary:

  • Multiple render targets
  • Emissive colors + Bloom affecting emissive colors only
  • Configurable alpha blending
  • Lights with “volume”
  • BIG optimization of shadow calculations
  • Shadow softening
  • Per-camera post-processing
  • Custom sprite pivot in Sprite Light2Ds
  • Light texture caching (BIG optimization)

Tilemap Shadowcaster

An alternative design for Tilemap edition windows
Introducing the concept of “tilemap layers”. It allows drawing on a specific layer automatically by selecting a tile from the palette, for example.

2D NavMesh
Unity lacks from tools to help creating AI-related stuff, specially in 2D.

Target sorting layers as assets
Storing a reference to an asset that specifies the sorting layers affected by a light, instead of ticking the flags in the light component or the shadow caster component.

Animation editor QoL improvements
Apart from what I explain in the thread, I would also add that everything that surrounds Flipbooks, including their integration in the Animation window, need a lot of work to make it more handy, more integrated. It would be awesome if, for example, we could set indices of sprites from a spritesheet in the Animation window, instead of references to Sprites (but it still showed the resolved sprite in the timeline), so we could reuse the same animation clip with other GameObject that had a different spritesheet (that fulfilled some constraints like having the same amount of sprites).