When multiple scenes are loaded instantiate does not spawn to active scene, why?

Hope someone can clarify this for me.
In my game I load a scene with common elements for each stage (player, ui, managers etc.) and then additively load the scenery, enemies etc. in a scene for each stage. When a stage is completed I unload the stage scene but keep my common scene and additively load the next scene.
I want the objects spawned by my player(which is in the common elements scene) to fall under the stage scene so that it gets unloaded with each stage unload.

To accomplish this I use SceneManager.SetActiveScene to make the stage scene the active scene at load time.
At this point I would expect my player instantiated GameObjects to be spawned under the stage scene, but they still get spawned under the common scene.

Does anyone know why ? According to the documentation at Unity - Scripting API: SceneManagement.SceneManager.SetActiveScene , my spawned GameObjects should fall under the active game scene ie. stage seen.
I would really appreciate any advice on why this is happening and how to fix it.

For anyone finding this in the future, I figure it out.

When instantiating the object spawned by my player , I used the parent parameter in the Instantiate command

_weapons[Slot] =Instantiate( _specialWeaponsItems[Slot].GetWeaponPrefab(),transform).GetComponent<SpecialWeapon>(); 

Which efectively move it to the common scene where the SpecialWeapons holder on my player is.
Just not specifying parent in the Initiate command solved it . Like this:

_weapons[Slot] =Instantiate( _specialWeaponsItems[Slot].GetWeaponPrefab()).GetComponent<SpecialWeapon>(); 

Hope this helps someone in the future.

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If you have more than one or two dots (.) in a single statement, you’re not writing code correctly.

Putting lots of code on one line DOES NOT make it faster. It just makes you slower.

Break it up, practice Covid distancing in your code, one thing per line please.

Here are a few quotes from the Codex Astartes.

  • “Programming is hard enough without making it harder for ourselves.”

  • “Combining a bunch of stuff into one line always feels satisfying, but it’s always a PITA to debug.”

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I strongly disagree with this advice. One of the best patterns for Unity developers is the builder pattern.

Thank you for you advice on this.

Your comment made me look at my code again and think of what could be improved or avoided.

I agree that it is important to make code as easy to read and follow as possible, even though I often do end up writing spaghetti.
Commenting is also an often overlooked help to those who need to work with your code (including yourself )
In this specific case I did not want to create the reference to a GameObject (which I won’t need again) and then get the SpecialWeapon from it, so I went straight for what I needed.
I was also concerned about creating garbage, but I was wrong to worry about this.

A friend suggested breaking the line before each “.” to make it easier to read. Like this

[quote="ManieBesselaar, post:2, topic:1561691"]
`_weapons[Slot] =Instantiate( _specialWeaponsItems[Slot]

With which I agree.

Ignore @BasedDestiny2025 they’re just spamming the forums with copy paste stolen from another user.

A better way to improve your code would be to reference the prefab by the component and not the game object; you can reference prefabs by any component on the root game object, and drag that into object fields.

Instantiating via that component will copy the whole game object but still return a reference to the instanced component, saving you a GetComponent call.

So say you had done that and GetWeaponPrefab() returned SpecialWeapon instead, the code just becomes:

var specialWeaponItem = _specialWeaponsItems[Slot];
SpecialWeapon specialWeaponPrefab = specialWeaponItem.GetWeaponPrefab();
SpecialWeapon specialWeaponInstance = Instantiate(specialWeaponPrefab);
_weapons[Slot] = specialWeaponInstance;
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Thanks @spiney199 and @MidniteOil for you input on this. Getting honest feedback on my code helps me dig deeper and get better.

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