Why does my Sprite not appear on my canvas?

I want the characters upgrades to appear after a certain amount of money has been reached.

For this, I was going to try and enable game objects. Unfortunately, these game objects did not appear on the canvas, even when placed as a child object of the canvas.

I Also tried to put the images under buttons (the UI elements) as they would show above the canvas, but then realised that they would not disable and enable as I wanted them to.

Something else I tried was to have a separate scene with all the sprites in it. This worked, but there was no way to monitor the cash earned between scenes, therefore there was no way to enable the sprites based on the total cash that the player had.

I have no clue how to solve this problem. If anyone has any ideas, PLEASE HELP !!! :slight_smile:

P.S: the “new sprite” sports car (in the hierarchy) is the image that I want to show above the canvas and to be disabled and enabled.

Sprites need to be placed in the camera view frustrum, not in the canvas.