[WIP] Photoscanned Fungi Pack - great for forest scenes!

Pack is released on AssetStore! - Forest Mushrooms - Photoscanned | 3D Vegetation | Unity Asset Store

Many people asked me “Can you do more forest nature?” “Could you make more mossy stumps? Maybe also small foliage like mushrooms?”. So here it goes :smile:
This pack will contain fully photoscanned mostly boletus (Boletaceae - Boletus - Wikipedia) funguses. And few more species giving in total 17 funguses in different shapes and sizes :wink:
They will be great to put in ground and also nice standalone in basket or bowl :slight_smile:
It will go great in connection with my ‘Photoscanned Trunks, Stumps and Roots’ pack - Stumps & Trunks Vol. 1 | 3D Props | Unity Asset Store - place them around mossy stumps to achieve more details and realism in your forests scenes!

They will have ~1k tris with LODs down to few dozen to balance quality and performance, and maximum of 4k textures in case someone wanted to scale them way up to create fantasy environment :slight_smile: You can always scale down textures and use only lower LODs :wink:
Pack will cost 10$ :slight_smile:

Let me know what you think!

Here are first two scans, I’ll upload them on my Sketchfab after I processed them to game assets :slight_smile:

Nice, looking forward to that

@nasos_333 Thanks!

I’ve been in forest today, and there will be not 6, but 17 funguses, few different species in variety of sizes, pack will cost 10$ beacuse of that :slight_smile:
I’ll also annouce soon ‘Photoscanned Stumps Vol. 2’, so stay tuned :wink:
Here’s photo of bunch of funguses I’ve scanned (scanned them individually of course) :smile:
Now I’ll be processing photos and later scans

Processed around 1/3. They have ~1k tris (LODs will be added), should they have some more for more rounded edges?

Almost finished! There will be 18 different mushrooms :slight_smile:

I’ve played with scanning settings and managed to add 2 more, so it will be total 20, they will cost 15$ after consideration, it involved a lot of work (searching mushrooms in forest at first place) and they could be used in more ways than just putting in ground since it’s full 3D scan, no flat bottoms - put them in bowl, basket, make pickup 3D view, and whatever comes to your mind :slight_smile:

I just had to come into this thread to point out that the plural of fungus is fungi. It’s not a word you get to use often, so you should take full advantage of every one you get.

Good looking shrooms, though.

@Schneider21 thanks! Actually Wikipedia says that both forms are correct, but dictionary indeed states that “fungi” is most common :slight_smile:

Pack has been submitted, here’s how it looks when you connect it with my other nature packaes:

Pack is live on AssetStore! - Forest Mushrooms - Photoscanned | 3D Vegetation | Unity Asset Store
For 15$ you’ll get 20 different high quality mushrooms to create amazing detailed forests scenes! :smile: