2022.3 is a nightmare and I don't understand why no one is talking about it

Can somebody please explain to me what is going on with Unity’s QA? This is seriously starting to scare me and I might be about to lose my job because of it.

I wrongfully assumed that an LTS release would actually be somewhat usable and started a project that heavily depends on features introduced in 2022 like material variants and the water system, so I have no real way of going back to 2021 without a massive amount of work and compromise.

I made the catastrophic mistake of doing all the code and modelling first and only getting into lighting once I was done with that, only to find out that the lightmapper has gone from unreliable to completely nonfunctional with no way of fixing it and no acknowledgement from the QA team.

Doesn’t work on any quality preset, not on CPU or GPU. All it does is waste an enormous amount of time and energy producing a bunch of memory leaks and sometimes crashing the editor, depending on how it is feeling on that particular bake. The progress bar no longer displays anything either, so you just have to let it sit for hours and hours in the hope of anything coming out. Most of the time it just gets stuck forever and you have to kill the process, though very rarely an incredibly basic scene with almost nothing in it will and draft lighting settings with laughable sample count barely make it through after hours of running on my 6900XT with 16GB or on the 5950XT with 32GB, neither of which would have needed more than a few minutes for the same scene in the 2021 LTS.

This is already a catastrophe but the fun part is that I can’t even create a new HDRP sample scene to do a sanity check. Unlike with the baking process, there is not even a slight chance creating that project will not crash the graphics driver every time after 10 minutes of waiting for it to initialize.

I’ve sent out numerous bug reports, none if which are getting taken serious. It’s all either a duplicate of something that should already be fixed or can’t be reproduced, which I honestly find baffling. I also tried manually rolling back to all 4 previous versions of 2022.3 to see if this is something that was recently introduced, but all of them equally broken all the way back to 0f1. None of the graphics settings affect it either, I played around with the HDRP settings for hours on DX11 an DX12 and with and without APVs enabled just to see if I could get anything to work, but nothing made a difference.

My system runs perfectly fine in any other application than the 2022.3 Editor, including the 2021 LTS which I have been using almost daily for more than a year with the exact same components. The OS and graphics driver are up to date, and I don’t get driver crashes in any other software. I’ve stress tested the GPU, CPU and memory to check for any sign of system instability, everything cleared without fail.

It truly seems as if QA has finally reached the bottom of the priority list in the 2022 LTS and you basically have to gamble that your particular choice of incredibly expensive system components plays well with it or you’re screwed, which I personally find insane from a business standpoint and gives me zero confidence in future releases.


It’s pretty atrocious. Agreed. LTS stands for Long Term Stable Release apparently… but I think it should be LTTS - Long Time Till Stable.

Rollback to 2022.3.1 - it’s much better than the subsequent 2022.3.2 and 2022.3.2 and 2022.3.4 versions.

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Backing this!

I, for one, can run 2022 LTS with no crashes, but the rendering in the editor is just subpar and nothing like it should be.
I can build a scene and it runs fine on android and windows but in the editor it’s all pixelated. Even simple textmeschpro text looks like text on a 720x480 win95 machine :frowning: !!!
I tried several backends (look my other post 2022 LTS Editor under Windows - jaggy preview - antialiasing in preview not working )

This is on a 3070TI Notebook with latest drivers.

Thanks @Unifikation i’ll try that, but then i could even roll back to 2021LTS.
I thought LTS stands for: “Yes, use it”, “production ready”, “we will fix things”…
But with 2022LTS release, which is a display of incapacity I wonder what it actually means…



Nah, that’s mostly marketing. Don’t believe marketing.


2022.3.1 seemed ok, then subsequent versions crash on startup for me with a shadercompile error relating to a Unity UI shader. I rolled back to 3.1 for my main machine and its ok, but my other test machine continues to crash. If i rebuild the entire Library folder it works for that launch, but launches beyond that crash.

Very frustrating

Hey @ebaender ,

Thanks for making this post and bringing your experiences to our attention. I am on the Lightmapper team’s QA and I’d be very happy to help. Let’s talk about the issues you are having with the lightmappers.

Before writing this, just as a sanity check, I opened a relatively heavy scene in HDRP 2022.3.3f1 and baked it on my local Windows machine (RTX3090) just to make sure we’re on the same page. From what I could see, the bake finished, progress reporting was functional and I had no crashes. This doesn’t mean that the issues you are having are not valid, they may just be specific to your hardware and drivers in relation to a change we may have made in the 2022 stream. In any case, I’d love to get to the bottom of this and resolve it for you and anyone else experiencing these issues.

What I can see from your post above is that you are experiencing (1) sporadic crashes, (2) slow bake times, (3) never-ending bakes. I’ll try to address them one by one.

(1) As for the sporadic crashes you are having, if you reported this through the bug reporter and got back an answer that it is not reproducible, it is possible that it is a hardware-specific issue. If you have the case ID or any of the logs available from the crashes while generating lighting, please post them here or send another bug report stressing the point that this may be AMD card related.

(2) Slow bake times on your machine may have a similar root cause as (1). We want to support as wide of a list of configurations as possible and if this is something that we missed, I take responsibility and I’d love to see a bug report about that. The reason why I am asking for a bug report is because a reproduction project may be key to figuring out which part of the bake may be causing the problem. We may not be able to reproduce this with any one Unity project. I will try to put together a setup similar to yours while waiting for a potential bug report. You can name-drop me in the bug report and say that even if they are non-reproducible they should be processed and assigned to the Progressive Lightmappper team :).

(3) We had a pretty serious regression concerning animated materials recently, which was unfortunately backported down to earlier versions. We have since fixed this issue in 2021.3 and 2022.3 (the latest versions have this fix and I included an animated material in my bake just now to make sure). If you are seeing any other forms of infinite bakes, please report these as well and I will personally take a look before assigning it to the appropriate developer(s).

Again, thank you for posting this here and bringing these issues to our attention. I really hope that I can help out with resolving them.



I am finding that 2022.3 LTS is much worse than 2021 Buggy, slow, crashes


here’s a trick that works on a Mac… open Blender and build a couple of simple shapes, and then return to Unity. On a Mac, this doubles (at least) the GPU performance of the Unity Editor. Dunno why.

I’ll be even more baffled it works on a PC, too.

I “used” 2022 LTS since yesterday (I used 2021 LTS before that). Yesterday I struggled because of this:Aras Pranckevičius: "Was puzzled why some texture format settings chan…" - Gamedev Mastodon
Today I can’t even open the Unity project… It stay stuck here.

I tried removing the library folder, updating to 2023.1 beta (just to see if it works).


Sorry to hear. Yes, it’s a painful, long winded work “flow” getting up and into 2022.

you can delete the Hub. This is the first thing I do. Sanity somewhat returns. Then rollback to 2022.3.1, don’t go beyond that for the time being, there’s a tonne of stuff just crept into 2022.3.2 and beyond, and there’s already more than enough bugs in 2022.3.1 to deal with.

Then get used to loading your project (once it loads) and then immediately closing Unity, and then reloading it and the project… and then doing this one more time. This was the biggest single helper for me. I can’t remember where I learnt this trick. Think it was one of the Chinese game development forums.

Then put aside about a week or so to chase down gremlins.

@giorgos_unity Thanks for the quick response, I appreciate it.

The editor itself has thus far not crashed during baking so I don’t think the logs will be of much use, it’s that the baking job keeps leaking memory and getting stuck. Here’s a video showing what is happening on my end:

Sometimes it actually does suddenly finish baking even though it looks like nothing is happening past the first two minutes, but most of the time it just stays like this for hours if you don’t force stop it.

I submitted IN-46244 yesterday, but that was when I still thought this was only affecting bakes with Probe Volumes enabled and reported it as such. I’m going to submit another one with a better repro project for you later.

There were some animated materials in my project. I disabled them and tried baking again, unfortunately that was not the cause.

Thanks for the extra information @ebaender , I appreciate your patience with this.

As for the memory leaks, if you can start the editor with the -diag-job-temp-memory-leak-validation command line argument, when the leak happens the editor will spit out a stack trace which we can then take a look at on the HDRP template scene. Usually these are relatively easy to resolve once we have that stack trace and know where the leak is coming from.

As for everything else, I look forward to seeing the bug reports. Again, thanks for submitting them, I hope they reach my team soon so we can triage them and get this stuff fixed.

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i try to give my few cents to this, maybe we are lucky. (i also dont want ot hijack anything here just give my inputs how i try to solve this issues when they happen)
(btw in your video it looks like it is switching instantly to CPU use)
Can you show the whole lightning Tab? because there you can make many wrong settings that can lead to such a slow bake.
It also looks like your Unity jump over to CPU instead.

since this is a unity (demo) scene, i think the lightmap settings are already correct.
but 99% of all time when my baker does not work anymore it’s because my meshes have bad uv’s or overlapping uvs (usually the log tells you a lot)

in one of the forum threads we found out that there is a trick that helped many people to make the baker work again.
→ deactivate all meshes and bake with these settings below,
if it starts working again turn on one mesh at the time until you find the mesh or assets that makes the baker crash.
(it might be related just trying to find ways you get i it working again:
https://discussions.unity.com/t/782145/27 )

→ set the lightning for once to bake indirect, check the lights to bake only. (not mixed)
then i use very low settings in the lightning tab.
then check the task manager for only the GPU memory, we had broken GPU’s that made also problems once, you would also see if unity cnn allocate GPU memory. (or instantly jumps back to CPU → lightning tab)

  • set low settings
  • try using bake indirect light only
  • set all lights to bake only (for the test)
  • use very low settings
  • turn of all sampling in the lightning tab
  • turn of the first two checkboxes (as far as i know they are only useful for progressive automatically baker)
  • check if unity switches to CPU when you start.

good luck!

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@pachermann Thanks for the tips, I will give your procedure a try.

The lighting settings are the default preset from the HDRP sample scene, so I don’t think that is what’s causing it.

Is there a reason you think it’s jumping to the CPU? I’m not entirely sure myself, but the performance graph in the video shows CPU utilization never going above 2% and the status at the bottom in the lightmapper tab says it’s using the GPU.

@giorgos_unity I submitted another bug report with a repro project and mentioned you in the description like you asked. The ID is IN-46568.

I did some more testing and it looks like my initial assumption that this has to with probe volumes was actually correct. I wasn’t lying when I said I tested with the legacy probes too, but it looks like the lightmapper still gets stuck if there is a probe volume component present in the scene. I didn’t think I had to remove it because it looked like the lightmapper was ignoring them when they are disabled. There was no cell subdivision step at the beginning of the bake which is always there when probe volumes are enabled, but somehow the presence of the probe volume component still trips the lightmapper up. Once you reload the scene or reopen the project it will actually ignore the component as expected and do a regular legacy probe bake, but I had no way of knowing that.


From memory, @AcidArrow is somewhat of an expert on Unity’s lighting “solutions”. You might trigger him into spouting some of his insights and hard learnt wisdoms if you keep this up.

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2022 LTS so far has the worst stability ive seen last year, I get 10 crashes a day, its terrible

Also baking lighting in Unity is like a mythical creature


Okay, thanks! Glad that we could narrow it down to APVs. As for it switching to CPU, I also see no indication of that, there would be a message in the console, the bake would restart, and it would be visible in the Lighting Window as well.

@giorgos_unity Any updates on this problem? I haven’t received a confirmation mail that this was reproduced and has been turned into an active issue.

Im here to concur 2022.3 HDRP onwards is unusable for my project which runs perfectly in 2021, I press play and it crashes the editor no matter what version I use above 2022.3 up to 2022.3.7f1 so far.

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I cannot even report bugs in 2022.3 because the bug reporter is bugged and does nothing after reaching 100%.
But it doesn’t matter as the bug tracker doesn’t work either: