Ambiguous reference 'preview'

So I made a game in Unity before I updated to Unity 5. However, as I updated my project and Unity I ran into these errors and now my game won’t run and I have no idea what the errors are asking of me. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

Assets/Editor/Image Effects/CameraMotionBlurEditor.js(92,36): BCE0004: Ambiguous reference ‘preview’: CameraMotionBlurEditor.preview, UnityEditor.Editor.preview.

Assets/Editor/Image Effects/CameraMotionBlurEditor.js(93,9): BCE0004: Ambiguous reference ‘preview’: CameraMotionBlurEditor.preview, UnityEditor.Editor.preview.

NavMesh asset format has changed. Please rebake the NavMesh data

#pragma strict

@CustomEditor (CameraMotionBlur)
class CameraMotionBlurEditor extends Editor 
	var serObj : SerializedObject;	
  var filterType : SerializedProperty;
  var preview : SerializedProperty;
  var previewScale : SerializedProperty;
  var movementScale : SerializedProperty;
  var jitter : SerializedProperty;
  var rotationScale : SerializedProperty;
  var maxVelocity : SerializedProperty;
  var minVelocity : SerializedProperty;
  var maxNumSamples : SerializedProperty;
  var velocityScale : SerializedProperty;
  var velocityDownsample : SerializedProperty;
  var noiseTexture : SerializedProperty;
  var showVelocity : SerializedProperty;
  var showVelocityScale : SerializedProperty;
  var excludeLayers : SerializedProperty;
  //var dynamicLayers : SerializedProperty;

	function OnEnable () {
		serObj = new SerializedObject (target);
    filterType = serObj.FindProperty ("filterType");

    preview = serObj.FindProperty ("preview");
    previewScale = serObj.FindProperty ("previewScale");

    movementScale = serObj.FindProperty ("movementScale");
    rotationScale = serObj.FindProperty ("rotationScale");

    maxVelocity = serObj.FindProperty ("maxVelocity");
    minVelocity = serObj.FindProperty ("minVelocity");

    maxNumSamples = serObj.FindProperty ("maxNumSamples");
    jitter = serObj.FindProperty ("jitter");

    excludeLayers = serObj.FindProperty ("excludeLayers");
    //dynamicLayers = serObj.FindProperty ("dynamicLayers");

    velocityScale = serObj.FindProperty ("velocityScale");
    velocityDownsample = serObj.FindProperty ("velocityDownsample");

    noiseTexture = serObj.FindProperty ("noiseTexture");
  function OnInspectorGUI () {         
    serObj.Update ();
    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Simulates camera based motion blur", EditorStyles.miniLabel);

    EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (filterType, new GUIContent("Technique"));  	
    if (filterType.enumValueIndex == 3 && !(target as CameraMotionBlur).Dx11Support()) {
      EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("DX11 mode not supported (need shader model 5)", MessageType.Info);      
    EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (velocityScale, new GUIContent(" Velocity Scale"));   
    if(filterType.enumValueIndex >= 2) {
      EditorGUILayout.LabelField(" Tile size used during reconstruction filter:", EditorStyles.miniLabel);      
      EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (maxVelocity, new GUIContent("  Velocity Max"));  
      EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (maxVelocity, new GUIContent(" Velocity Max"));       
    EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (minVelocity, new GUIContent(" Velocity Min"));   

    EditorGUILayout.Separator ();

    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Technique Specific");

    if(filterType.enumValueIndex == 0) {
      // portal style motion blur
      EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (rotationScale, new GUIContent(" Camera Rotation"));
      EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (movementScale, new GUIContent(" Camera Movement"));
    else {
      // "plausible" blur or cheap, local blur
      EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (excludeLayers, new GUIContent(" Exclude Layers"));
      EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (velocityDownsample, new GUIContent(" Velocity Downsample"));
      velocityDownsample.intValue = velocityDownsample.intValue < 1 ? 1 : velocityDownsample.intValue;
      if(filterType.enumValueIndex >= 2) { // only display jitter for reconstruction
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (noiseTexture, new GUIContent(" Sample Jitter"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (jitter, new GUIContent("  Jitter Strength"));

    EditorGUILayout.Separator ();

    EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (preview, new GUIContent("Preview"));
    if (preview.boolValue)
      EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (previewScale, new GUIContent(""));    

I ran into the same problem.

The solution I took was modifying the ‘preview’ variable name to ‘preview_’.

use preview_

@lazerdarts In your script you are most likely using the same script, just change this line

var preview : SerializedProperty;


var preview_ : SerializedProperty;

Now replace all instances that it uses this variable in the code. I believe it is only about 4-5 changes or less.

You can also tell what is incorrect if your using MonoDevelop, it will tell you what lines need to be changed.

Example, this line needs to be fixed from

EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (preview, new GUIContent(“Preview”));


EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (preview_, new GUIContent(“Preview”));

Notice that the preview variable changed to preview_ because thats whats declared in your variables at the top of the code. I hopes this helped!

Thanks, i fixed and works it. But I understand WHY i had to change from preview to preview_ . Can somebody explain this me ?,I fixed this and it works, but I don’t understand WHY i had to change from prewiev to prewiev_ . Can somebody explain it to me ?