Animation Rigging bone going to rotation (0, 0, 0)

Hey Unity users!

I am using the Animation Rigging package, but the bone(s) go to localRotation (0, 0, 0) sometimes and litterally going straight away from where they should be.

Here is an example:

Anyone had this and has an fix, because this is mildly weird.
The position of the target isn’t getting changed tho.


Okay, so now I have some different bug.
More info soon

It is actually solved… Kind of

I made some code that modifies the rotation by litteraly 0.01 so it fixes itself.

This is a pretty breaking issue and I expect this to be solved soon by the team that made animation rigging

Got it again after moving to layer based rendering, and syncing the position of the Layer 2 root with the layer 1 root position, sometimes it just snaps away, so bump?

Bump? Still happening SOMETIMES