Hi, im new here and i cant figure out what is the problem in animation tab of fbx importer becuase it does not have anything except the import animation checkbox and it said “No animation data available in this model”. How can i put animation there and how can i see the other components, my unity version is 4.3.4f1. Thanks in advance pal!
This sounds like there is no animation attached to the fbx model, did you export it with the model?
There are 2 ways of adding animation to a model that has none. (You might need to rig it first.)
Add an Animation component to the object and drag the animation clip in there. If you do not have an animation, you can create one through the Animation window.
Add an Animator component and set it up through the Animator tab (Window → Animator). I do believe you need to create an Animator Controller and have it selected or doubble click it to be able to edit anything in the Animator window, but I might be wrong! You may drag animation clips onto the Animator window. An orange block means this clip is the active animation that will play when the game runs.
I personally prefere Animator since it gives you a ton of possibilities.
Here is a link to the Animator tutorial in Unity Learn: