Apply force at position doesn't rotate with large force

I have a skateboard with a rigidbody as a deck

if force is applied to the tail, skateboard pivots over the wheels and presses down

but if the force is too large it stops rotating

i’m applying force with rbDeck.AddForceAtPosition(Vector3.down * forceStrength, tail.position);

Already experimented with different mass and different kinds of forces, same result.

skateboard rigidbody configuration


wheels are using a hinge joint that is locked to Y axis, sphere collider

Hey i think you have to add angular force also . so that it will rotate in the direction you are applying the force.
If you are totally dependent on unity physics to do the motion then I think it will not be work as you are expecting.
i would suggest that after applying simple force after tilt apply rotation in the direction with respect to speed of the skate.

I believe when a person is standing on a skateboard and performs an “Ollie” (is that it?), he will first shift his balance point a bit backwards so that the balance is on the real axle. If you absolutely wish to use Physics to simulate your skateboard (which I would never do unless I was building strictly a physics-based game), try setting your rigidbody center of mass on the rear axle.

That actually worked! By moving the center of mass over the trucks, i can apply larger force and keep the rotation, thanks.

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