►► Arcade Racer: Racing Game Development Kit

Start building your game today.

  • AI Cars & Traffic System
  • Racing System
  • IK Avatar Driver System
  • Windows Standalone Racing Game Template
  • Dialogue & Event Timer Systems

Windows Standalone Game Template Beta
AI Cars & Traffic System
Arcade Racer includes a modular AI car system. Use it to create custom scripted or cut-scene content, traffic simulations, AI racer opponents or other scenarios where you might need a custom AI car.

Racing System
Control race settings, number of racers, racer prefabs, rewards and more with a modular racing system that allows you to set race content & settings via scriptable object profiles.

IK Avatar Driver
Add more style to the AI or player cars with the procedural inverse kinematics animated humanoid avatar and your own models; it steers, shifts (hand and foot), accelerates with foot, breaks with other foot, and looks in steer direction!

No DLLs to get in your way, all source code is included so you can make your game without limitations!

Now Includes the beta Windows Standalone Racing Game Template*, which is great for starting a game/prototype or learning/referencing how all the various systems were used together to make a playable game demo!*

Windows Standalone Game Template Key Features
Windows Standalone Racing Game Template Demo
• Out of the box controller support (PS4, Xbox One, or Keyboard)
• Complete game flow between all scenes and modes
• 4 user profiles to save progression data and settings with PlayerPrefs
• Main menu
• Options menu
• Pause menu
• Quick race menu - create closed circuit lap based races or pointA-to-pointB races with any number of racers.
• Arcade race menu - A series of races with a knockout timer, increase time with each checkpoint reached. Run out of time and lose. Earn points on your finish position for each race. The top racers will earn a reward at the end of the series.
• Championship race menu - create multiple series of races with any number of racers. Points are awarded based on finish position after each race. Series standings are shown after each race. Final series standings are show after the last race, the player receives a prize if their rank is high enough to receive a reward.
• Garage scene menu system - vehicle selection, purchase and customization.
• Player car customization systems - neon light, body, rim & window material colors.
• Open world base-game system
• Modular & scalable racing system
• Scriptable object profiles for many systems make editing fast and easy
• Modular AI racer and traffic route systems

Note: this asset is intended for intermediate to advanced Unity users. It includes many modular systems that can be used together or independent of each other, including: player car prefabs, AI car prefabs with volume sensors, intuitive traffic and AI route system, racing system, Windows game template, and more. Documentation and tutorials are available, but this package may be overwhelming for a beginner; customizing these systems requires knowledge of the Unity components used to create them.
For more details, please check the user manual. If you have any questions, please ask on the discussion forum.


This looks very cool :slight_smile: Why though do the hands seem to lag behind the steering wheel rotation, also can you control the wrist angles, it looks quite unnatural with the sharp angles at the wrists.


The hand targets move between the wheel targets using Lerp, I can expose the rate at which they move from point to point. Without smoothing they would move a bit too fast, but it makes sense to be able to adjust this anytime as it does seem a bit slow with the current rate.

You can control all of the IK targets, they can even be referenced by script, then re-positioned and rotated at runtime to provide even more realistic avatar targeting, I’ll adjust the demo to look a bit better…

Thanks for the questions.

IK Driver is now available. This asset is also included in my Racing Game Template.

IK Driver has a lot of objects and components on the rig that work together to bring the avatar to life. I’ve prepared a tutorial that will explain how the rig works as well as provide a demonstration of how the avatar and car model can be replaced.

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Version 1.01 is available.

-Added default steering wheel rotation field to IK Driver script inspector.

Version 1.02 submitted.

-Minor visual improvements to demo scene.
-Added a detailed PDF with many screenshots for step-by-step instructions on changing the avatar and car model.

NOTE: PDF setup guide is also available for download here

Version 1.03 submitted.

-Updated demos
-Added “Steering Wheel Rotation Speed” variable to the IK Driver inspector.
-Adjusted default IK Driver inspector settings to improve visual realism and quality.
-Adjusted IK Driver script logic for steering hand positions to use Slerp instead of Lerp.

Version 1.03 is now available.

Version 1.04 submitted.

  • Improved IK Driver configuration options by adding an option to use only 2 hand targets for the steering wheel. Most professionally published games use this style with the steering wheel rotation clamped to around 90°.
  • Added toggle between 2-hand-targets and All-hand-targets to IK Driver inspector.
  • Added steering wheel rotation limit for for 2-hand-targets to Ik Driver inspector.
  • Added steering wheel shake slider to IK Driver the inspector.
  • Added a field for a Wheel Collider to be assigned in the IK Driver inspector, this is used to reference the wheel RPM for steering wheel shake/vibration multiplier.
  • Removed unused textures.

Version 1.04 is now available.

How i can try before buy this ? (ex webplayer or…)

Here’s a WebGL demo: https://ik-driver-webgl-demo.netlify.com/

This asset was also used in my racing template: https://rgt-webgl-demo.netlify.com/

I’m also working on an update with better art for the default controller: https://ik-driver-v1-05.netlify.com/

I like the idea, but when I try the demo it just doesnt seem like the hands turn the wheel just feels like an animation over the top thats not connected, are there options to control how it works so the hands stay fixed on the wheel for longer etc?

There are currently 2 options for hand steering, 2 or 8 targets. If 2 targets are used the hands stay fixed to the wheel and only move with the wheel. When using 8 target the hands move to the steering wheel target positions based on the steering wheel rotation which gets tied to vehicle input, the only option available to customize this is a “steering wheel rotation speed” variable. I do plan on improving the 8 target functionality by providing more control options, I’ll pay some attention to this and try to improve it for the next update.

Looks very kool The hand should move smoother from wheel to gearshift.

Paddle shift would be cool too.

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Thanks for the feedback. I agree, shifting is too fast and needs to be smoothed a bit, I’ll make sure to adjust that a bit for the next update and look into the paddle shift.

IK Driver 1.05 WIP, new demo, driver model and scripting improvements including manual shifting option for included car controller coming soon.

IK Driver 1.05 still WIP… new track and demo environment is finished. I’ll add manual shifting to the included vehicle controller and smooth out the IK shifting animation, then it will be ready to submit.

1.05 will have a price increase as well.

Hi, is this support for fps hands rig ? not only for human rig !