Hey there, I’m trying to figure out, what are my options on setting up a scene with prefab instances, so that it bakes with per-instance overrides.
I have a scene containing a grid of tiles. These tiles are prefab instances (instantiated with PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab) and each instance have some of its data overriden. I want these to get baked into entities, respecting the overrides, but what happends is, that one of them does end up with the correct data, while the rest discards these overrides and bake as a base prefab would.
I can’t break inside the baker to see what exactly is happening.
I also had this implemented with non-prefab instances (using Object.Instantiate) before and that baked nicely. I can’t revert to that for other reasons though.
I would generally want to understand what’s happening here.