Body tracking front camera

Hello, I am looking for a body tracking solution that works with the front camera. I am interested in all the proposals (web integration embed in unity, ideas…)
Any clues ?

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There is no opportunity to achieve it with AR Foundation, but you can use OpenCV for Unity asset.

My Questions to author of asset by email:

I need front camera body tracking of 2 persons at the same time for iOS & Android.

I saw that you have PoseEstimation example in public repo.

  1. Is it available to track 2 persons with this demo example?

  2. Will I have coordinates of hands and legs separately at runtime? Is it 2D or 3D coordinates?

@EnoxSoftware1 answer:

  1. Yes, it is possible to estimate the posture of several people.
  2. This model can be used to obtain estimates of the 2D and 3D coordinates of the human skeleton.
    Pose landmark detection guide  |  Google AI Edge  |  Google AI for Developers
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