Build fails every time iOS / Android

Description of issue:

Nice to meet you!

I have a successful build in my local environment, but
Unity Cloud Build fails every time.

This is occurring on both iOS and Android.

I have reconfigured the Source control settings but it fails.

A few months ago it was successful.
When it was successful it was a Unity 2019LTS project.
This time, after updating the version to Unity 2021LTS, the build has never succeeded in Unity Cloud Build.

Unity version: Unity 2021.3.9f1

XCode version: Xcode 13.2.1

Source control: Plastic SCM

Local build platform: Windows

Build target: iOS / Android

Relevant plugins being used (i.e. Google Play Game Services, other plugins that may perform automatic post-build behaviors) : No

Project name: 66

Build log (relevant chunk):

Does it build locally from a fresh checkout? (Instructions below):
Clone/checkout your project into a new directory from source control.

Open the Unity project in the same version of the editor that you are trying to build with in Cloud Build.

Build a version of your project for the same platform you are targeting in Cloud Build.

Verify that the errors received in your Cloud Build log are not apparent during this local build.

Yes. Local build succeeds

This is build full log

8455304–1122098–66-66-alpha-android_20220921.txt (2.36 KB)
8455304–1122101–66-66-alpha-i-os-111_20220921.txt (3.55 KB)

Can you submit a ticket through the Developer Dashboard under DevOps → Cloud Build → Help & Support.

That way a member of our support team can jump in and take a look.

I appreciate it.
I’ll try it