Bursted jobs profiling statistics


Simple question: is there a way to get “unified” statistics of specific job type performance?

Like, I want just to see how jobs are performing, so I can make optimization choices easier.

Currently, I am using Timeline in Profiler, but I have to scan around to find those jobs executed, so it is kind of tedious. Would be much easier if I could just see “accumulated” statistics of all jobs that were ran, with “average” and “max” runtime.

Mind that those jobs are inside jobchain, and running on multiple threads (and bursted).

Thank you!

Have you tried the Profile Analyser package?

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No, and my god, that looks awesome. Will try it asap!

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Thank you, it was what I wanted, and also has nice compare functionality. Cool :smile:

(P.S I was googling a lot before making this thread and never once I got hit on this tool)

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