Follow this thread: Glitching with multiple cameras LWRP page-2#post-4887773
Just need to know when it will be ready.
Also want to know about this.
PS: It’s not difficult to force URP to enable camera stacking by modifying several lines of code, if this is the only breaker, you can modify it and carry on what you wanted to do while waiting for the official fix
I tried your solution. However it didn’t work 100%. Sometimes one of camera still overlaps the other
The only situation it won’t work is your second camera is creating intemediate color texture. Enabling Opaque/depth texture is one of them. You can look at the code in ForwardRenderer.cs and see other situation where intermediate color texture is created, avoid that you’ll get right result
Another aproach is to make the post processing to render to the color texture of the first camera, by adding a dummy renderpass with AfterRendering event will do this, then you can draw the second camera to the intermediate color texture, if you have to. also you may need to change the RenderBuffer read flag from don’t care to load. This approach is more complicated so I’m not recommending it, only use it if you have to render the second camera onto intermediate color texture
Just adding my voice to the pile seeing as this fix seems to keep getting pushed back each version (still broken in 2019.3.0b1 with latest URP) and I’d really like it to see it prioritized. Camera stacking is a wonderfully simple and intuitive feature.
For the benefit of anyone who comes across this thread and doesn’t want to go digging, here is liiir1985’s workaround:
Well there is a universal/camera-stacking branch on github that is being actively worked on, including yesterday.
For anyone wanting to follow along, there’s the branch that elbows mentions here.
Also, a list of Pull Requests on Master for things tagged Universal.
It’s nice to see what’s getting worked on and where things are at. I suppose one thing I don’t know enough about is exactly how the main Unity releases work. Since the blog post went up announcing the Beta of 2019.3, does that list of Universal specific features represent the entirety of what we should expect in 2019, and therefore Camera Stacking arriving in 2020.1 at the earliest… or can more features sneak into 2019.3 without going through beta? I suppose that’s hard for us to know!
Whatever ends up in the master branch before the 2019.3 release will be included in the 2019.3 version of URP for the 7.x.x packages. (Same goes for HDRP)
Sometimes releases get split off from master into their own branch and Master is then switched to the next Unity/package version
So if the Package version changes to 8.x.x on Master branch then all those changes after the switch are for 2020.1
I have been using the work around in my project to much success, but I’ve run into a problem. The work around and the Post Processing Stack do not seem to be compatible. Has anyone found a way around this?
Also, is there any update on when camera stacking will be added to URP? It is absolutely essential to my project and many others, it seems.
You cannot apply post-processing to individual Overlay Cameras within a Camera Stack. You can apply post-processing to the Base Camera of a Camera Stack, which applies the effect to the combined output of the Camera Stack.
I tried to separate UI and particles with multiple overlay cameras and render them after post-processing with Render Features of Custom Forward Renderer.
But only the last overlay camera is rendered after post-processing.
Below, if GUI Camera is the last, only UI will be rendered after post processing
If the Particle Camera is the last one, only the particles will be rendered after the post process.
Can multiple overlay cameras render after post-processing using Renderer Features?
@shiena how did you enable Stacking of cameras? I updated Unity to 2019.3 but see only Base rendering mode :(.
@vlarin Please refer here.
Glitching with multiple cameras LWRP page-2#post-4996022
Hi all. Just to catch up, is there official way to support Camera stacking for URP?
Coming soon …
Hey everyone,
Just to give a small status update.
We are currently working hard on this feature and it is at the top of the priority list at the moment. We were hoping to merge it this week but found a critical issue that needs solving before doing that.
If all goes well it should be ready early January.
Camera stacking is under review at the pull request.
We have the following scenario which we’d like to replicate with Base and Overlay cameras in URP/HDRP when camera stacking becomes available.
Current setup in built-in RP.
Main Camera with Depth Only
2nd camera with Clear Flags set to Solid Color and a culling mask of a single layer.
Everything from the main camera renders over the single layer against a solid colour background.
We use this to create a rotatable night sky of stars.
What would be the best approach with the new Camera Stacking feature?
Using LWRP/URP RenderFeatures, you can render a specified layer on the front without camera stacking.
Glitching with multiple cameras LWRP page-3#post-5248670
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Looks like this is what I need in URP.