December 1, 2020, 4:38pm
Hi there
Just came here to post a solution to this issue for anybody else with this issue in future.
If Visual Studio does not list the AndroidPlayer when you select Debug > Attach Unity Debugger , then perhaps this will help.
In VS, go to Tools > Options and set the SDK Path manually:
You can find the path from “Unity > Edit > Preferences > External Tools > Android SDK…”
My path was blank, which should work but this seems like a bug or a confusion due to a previously installed SDK (before it was bundled with Unity).
Hope this helps somebody.
Are you using a emulator or a connected device in this case? I would love to have a debugger attached to a connected device but I have not found a way to do it.
Edit : Never mind I did not have the correct build config. This was very helpful Thanks!
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This would have saved me so much time in the past! This really should be more accessible knowledge!
February 28, 2022, 10:17am
This should be added in ms documentation.
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I spent so much time trying to figure out why AndroidPlayer wasn’t showing and this was it! Thank you so much!
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May 18, 2022, 5:56pm
This is great answer. Worked right away. Thanks a lot, saved me.
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Thank you so mush! I spend whole day trying to resolve this problem!
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Thanks so much, helped alot!
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Hi there
Just came here to post a solution to this issue for anybody else with this issue in future.
If Visual Studio does not list the AndroidPlayer when you select Debug > Attach Unity Debugger , then perhaps this will help.
In VS, go to Tools > Options and set the SDK Path manually:
You can find the path from “Unity > Edit > Preferences > External Tools > Android SDK…”
My path was blank, which should work but this seems like a bug or a confusion due to a previously installed SDK (before it was bundled with Unity).
Hope this helps somebody.
Great, this solved my problem.
Unity 2022.3.15f1
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