Cannot transcode VP8 webm file

I want to use a video with transparancy on android.
I got the video (webm format, VP8 encoding with virbis audio encoding) exported via premere.
In windows everything works great.

On android the transparency does not work and the audio is garbage.
According to the docs android does not support vp8 with transparency, so I need to encode it.

The thing is, when I press apply after enabling transcoding for android, I get errors. Using Unity 2022.3.12


VideoClip import error for Assets/Video/Workout/01 Introduction.webm
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

WindowsVideoMedia error 0xc00d36b4 while reading D:/Game Dev/Unity/VR Body Fitness/Temp/importedVideoClip.m4v
Context: IMFSinkWriter::SetInputMediaType
Error details: The data specified for the media type is invalid, inconsistent, or not supported by this object.
Track types:
Video Track, type: H264

Transcode settings:


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Could you please share any more details of the video that works for you?
I have been unable to import any Webm+VP8 video that has transparency. Mine are encoded with libvpx. Perhaps Unity only accepts them from Premiere?
Unity simply says “VideoClip import error”. It cannot be played in the editor at all.

I used the webm plugin for premiere.
For android if I select VP8 as codec it works with low res and low fps.
For compatibility sake I switched to h264 30 fps with a green screen shader

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