Mobile test (Unity5) for Android - download here (.apk file, ~25 mb)
Mobile test (Unity4.3) for Android - download here (.apk file, ~11 mb)
Logic 100% PlayMaker
Car Setup import notes:
#1 - create a new 3d project in Unity #2 - open Asset store inside Unity (Window>Asset Store) #3 - import Traffic asset #4 - import PlayMaker #5 - install PlayMaker manually from folder Assets/Playmaker/Editor/Install, double click on Playmaker package
When importing in existing project make a Backup of your files!
There will be New Project Settings needed to function.
Made a video about First Person view camera option coming up in January Update.
This is work in process, now working with Smooth Follow option.
When Camera Controller will be ready, I’ll update the Web Demo.
Webplayer DEMO is updated with Camera options, use Key C to change different positions.
Camera Controller will be included in January Update.
To get it sooner, please send me a request with your Invoice number to my support email.
At the moment Unity Asset Store package have 360 Camera only.
Now I will continue to work on Car models and CarController to switch between both vehicles.
yes, I made a manual how to prepare your own car to work with the CarController, I will include it in the update,
To get it sooner, please send me a request with your Invoice number to my support email.
A preview how to set-up your own car can be also found on a User made Youtube tutorials (thanks to Chris),
this will slightly change after the updated CarController which supports car changing feature.
Thank you for the purchase,
about the update I plan to finish it in two week time and as soon it’s ready I will make a post so you can get it sooner while Asset Store updates the package.
Hi I miss documentation on how to transfer it to your own car ? and maybe some better detail on how 2 do the roof animation when trnasfer it to an other carsetup
Hi I cant find where the control fsm’s are? I just want to add a left and right arrow for mobile along with an auto acceleration, but cant find where to add my gui buttons.
Hi, control Fsm’s are “Movement/Driving” and “Movement/Steering” on the CarController.
I was experimenting with the touch controls too,
Made a new Fsm for GUI buttons and inject the touch values to “Movement” Fsm’s.
I could make some pictures of this setup, now I’m thinking I should add this to the new pack,
please contact me on my support email, so I can send them to you.