I have a memory leak on UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction<cinemachine.brain> ( this is what memory profiler is showed). Leak is happening, when i’m click few times on timeline near small animated area.
Unity 19.3.14.f1 - Cinemachine up-to-date
I’m assume, this can be caused by Activating track ( it wasn’t empty when the problems pops) or by white spaces in timeline with Activating track.
Also as bonus - Path points are not visible if you have 2 insperctors, and one of them a locked on some img and even if he is not active as tab.
UPD: I am delete Activating track, remove wthite spaces and still have this leak.
In addition to Cinemachine/Timeline bugs - Timeline is dying and lagging with amazing power, when in Game window is chosen Divece simulator.
Thank you for the posts. I’m having a little trouble understanding exactly what the problem is. Can you make a small test project that show this problem and post it here (or PM it to me) with repro steps? Then I can look into it and find a fix.
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Hello! I’ve tried to reproduce this bug with all assets i have in scene in another project, but it’s didnt worked. Downgrading to 2.5 fix this porblem.
@dzedrit I suspect that your issue is the same as this one: RAM leak and very long Application.UpdateScene - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
It turns out to be a regression related to Cinemachine and PostProcessing. We are working on a fix. Thanks for your patience!
Cinemachine 2.6.2-preview.1 is now available in the package manager. It contains a fix for the PostProcessing memory leak.