Collision with ground


I am creating a physics based game, and I would like to create a script, which check when is the player on the ground. I have tried it with triggers. I have a collider at the buttom of the player, and I have tried to use it to detect it.

function OnTriggerStay (other : Collider)
	if (other.tag != "Player")
		marbleController.onGround = true;	//Set the onGround to true

function OnTriggerLeave (other : Collider)
	if (other.tag != "Player")
		marbleController.onGround = false;	//Set the onGround to false

However, it isn’t working. Is there any better way to do this without the character controller?

I would raycast from the marble towards the ground to see if it hits the ground. The technique is described here:

Depending on your game you could consider raycast with a layermask parameter (to improve the efficiency of the raycast).