Command Line Builds always uses Build Profile override global scene list

Using the build profiles with Unity Editor command line arguments is broken for me.

When using -build command in combination with -activeBuildProfile, the build pipeline will only ever build the project using the scenes stored in the override global scene list.

If the override global scene list bool is left unchecked it will still use the override global scene list.

If this list of scenes is empty it will fail to build with error: Cannot build untitled scene

So right now, I am forced to populate the override list of scenes if I want to use build profiles with command line arguments

Editor version: 6000.0.23f1 on Mac

Hi! We’re working on this issue right now as part of fixing Unity Issue Tracker - Global Scenes are not included in the Build when building multiple Build Profiles at the same time

I can’t give you an exact ETA on when it’ll land but we have an excellent engineer working on it as we speak, so hopefully soon.

That’s great to hear, thanks for the quick response :slight_smile: