Custom frame settings option

Does turning off “custom frame settings” mean it defers to hdrp global settings?

Yes? Ok. So if i turn it on, but leave everything in “Frame Settings Override” unchecked, apparently it defaults to… The volume settings?


Hdrp is so confusing.

Basically, i have a second camera doing one simple job, on a separate layer. I dont want it adding all the extra overhead of anti aliasing, bloom, even lighting and shadows are unnecessary. It is isometric and just supposed to render red or black to a rendertexture, (which it is doing now), but is adding 10% ms per frame. Is there an easy way to make it bare bones… …or do i have to make my hdrp and volume defaults bare bones?

I want to rant at the incredible complexity of hdrp… But all i will say is JFCOAPS.


Not sure what you mean by “volume settings”, but if you leave everything uncheck, it’s the same as not checking custom frame settings, because the default of custom frame settings is using the HDRP Global Settings.

If you want to strip a camera from some overhead (like post processing), it’s exactly the role of those custom frame settings. In your HDRP Global Settings, leave post processing on for exemple (that means by default, all the cameras will use these frame settings as a default), but then you can change it for each camera by enabling custom frame settings, checking the override on for post processing and disabling post processing.

It’s the same logic for volume profile override, left checkbox is to tell the system: please use this value on the right and not the default.


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Lol, i just realized my inspector window was not wide enough to show the right side tick-boxes. Only seeing the left is what made it so confusing. Turned almost everything off on camera two, 20% performance boost!

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Based on the use-case you are describing, you should be able to avoid using a secondary enabled camera altogether. You can use a disabled camera in conjunction with a custom pass (scripted) and avoid even more overhead.

I have not implemented a custom pass yet, though half a year ago, I tried a tutorial, that ended up being out of date. In the end, perhaps it is what I will do. I have been recently using frame debugger more often just to understand it all…