Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length

I am trying to add 2 arrays of verts together and i keep getting this error:
ArgumentException: Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the array’s lower bounds
Parameter name: destinationArray
System.Array.Copy (System.Array sourceArray, System.Int32 sourceIndex, System.Array destinationArray, System.Int32 destinationIndex, System.Int32 length) (at <40c82fbb8a9645d5a6c0bfc1e0fa6dfd>:0)
System.Array.CopyTo (System.Array array, System.Int32 index) (at <40c82fbb8a9645d5a6c0bfc1e0fa6dfd>:0)
plane.Start () (at Assets/plane.cs:33)

verticies1 = mesh1.vertices;
        verticies2 = mesh2.vertices;
        verticies1.CopyTo(allverticies, 0);
        verticies2.CopyTo(allverticies, allverticies.Length);

The error tells you exactly what the problem is. You cannot copy to the array because it’s not big enough and/or you specify a starting index that means it won’t fit so looking at the above it should be super obvious.

Look at line 4 and what you’re asking it to do: You’re asking to copy all of “verticies2” into “allverticies” starting past the end of “allvertices” array (this is a fixed-size array, not a list being added to). I presume you mean to use “vertices1.Length” there. Still, you need to ensure that “allvertices” is at least the same length as both “vertices1” and “vertices2” as well.