Did they rename entities or remove it from packages. I have preview packages checked and don’t see it on the package list.
@dwatt-hollowworldgames check if it is still enabled. After the update it is unchecked even if it was enabled before
Funny how often this has been asked. Such an unnecessary change.
@Enzi I doubt this was intended. Looks more like something that slipped through.
Physics is showing and other preview packages
@dwatt-hollowworldgames do you have any compiler error? Which versions of “platforms” and “entities” (if so) do you have “installed” (or requested via manifest.json)?
there is also this Visibility changes for preview packages in 2020.1 page-3
Ran into the same issue earlier. My recommendation is just grabbing the neccessary packages with an earlier version of Unity and then upgrading the project. That works fine, and you can apparently upgrade to newer versions of the package once you already have it. Saves you the hassle.
I think the direction the package manger is going will cause a lot of frustration for many ppl. I wish they would at least first try just naming packages appropriately first (alpha beta etc) before heading down this path.
I don’t have any it causes an issue with the openvr xr plugin. They released a new version of the plugin and I wanted to check if it was fixed.
Does the removal of entities from the package manager list mean that there will be no production ready DOTS in 2020.1 final?
So they spent soooo much time promoting dots and now they remove one of its most important packages from list, nice
They’re probably sick of people complaining about support/features/bugs in a preview package.
Thanks. Actually I did miss that as I was not watching the package manager forum so closely, therefore that link was really valuable to me.