I am trying to build a custom animation system on top of timeline.
I have multiple clips on different tracks like this
The problem is that when I am outside the range of the clips they don’t get evaluated, what I am looking for
is to “clamp” their value to their range based on where the graph time is.
Would adding support for blending between clips help? You need to put them on the same track, but then you can use a “mixer” to blend the values via weights etc just by overlapping the clips (like for normal animation tracks and clips).
no because each of those clips is animating a different component.
I would have to put an empty clip just there to set the default value which feels kind of hacky
They come in pairs, one for position the other for alpha, right now when the graph plays and gets to the end of a clip it won’t fade out the component entirely, this gets progressively worse as the clip gets shorter in duration
To anyone reading, I solved my problem by creating a Mixer that drives the values instead of the playable behaviour directly, apparently this changes how playables are evaluated