EventSystem.current has currentSelectedGameObject set to null (at random times!), despite UI-selection

Hello people of Unity,

I am currently facing a weird bug I can only replicate at random times. Let me explain my project structure first:
I have two scenes. One scene plays an intro video, then shows a button for the user to click (or press Enter) and then switches with LoadSceneAsync to the second scene. The second scene contains a menu which can be navigated with the keyboard.
I have an InputManager and an EventSystem (DontDestroyOnLoad) in the first scene.

I set the Inspector to Debug and the EventSystem is correctly showing the currently selected GameObject.

If I jump into the code, EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject is null, despite showing otherwise in the Inspector. When I constantly restart the application, it sometimes works and sometimes does not, making replication inconsistent. The method pulling the GameObject from EventSystem.current is called upon navigating with the keyboard.

When loading into the new scene, I am also making sure that EventSystem.current is set correctly (by assigning GameObject.FindObjectByTag(“EventSystem”).GetComponent()). The same applies to the InputSystemUIInputModule on the same object.

I also tried to not use DDOL on the EventSystem and have them both separate (as given in the screenshot), but despite my efforts, it bears the same result.

If it is of any help, the script execution order is the following:
Script Execution Order
“Assets.Scripts.Managers.Menu.MainMenuManager” is the script calling the method to check EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject.

Did anyone experience something similiar to this and might know a solution I could approach? Thanks a lot!

When I removed the button between the intro video and the scene switch, the bug seems to not appear anymore. I used the following code after the intro video has played:
IntroManager methods
InputHandler.Instance.ActivateInput() subscribes to all C# invoked inputs by a PlayerInput-component and sets EventSystem.current to the currently in the scene existing component. DeactivateInput() is called BEFORE loading the next scene in my SceneControlManager.
The selection of the single button is always possible and initiated by using the keyboard.