Why does the EventSystem.Update() take so long to process for the first initial input touch / click ?
Profiling my game on Android shows that the initial EventSystem.Update() takes about 200ms to complete and generates a few KB of garbage… I tested a brand new empty project with just a button and it’s the same thing. High % of cpu usage for the initial touch then breezes through the rest of the clicks.
I disabled the EventSystem and instead made a simple script :
And there’s no hiccup as expected. However, with some additional testing I noticed there was still a hiccup if I added a debug.log message like so :
void Update()
if ( Input.touchesCount > 0 )
// would cause a slight hiccup on initial touch as well...
Any ideas? I’m curious about this but I won’t mind creating a dummy button that will process the first click and progress with the rest of the game smoothly…
Am I late? Well, you can trace this with “DeepProfile” in Profiler. Basiclly it could be ANYTHING because it’s not a single call, take a look then you will know what’s going on there.
Tips: In most case, it’s your Button.OnClick event invoke a slow function.
Tips2: You can’t really rely on those time displayed in DeepProfile mode since this mode have significant effect on that, so use this mode wisely.
Unity 2019.1 , just the first touch anywhere on the screen on Android causes 250ms of lag from EventSystem.Update(), tried disabling all of my canvases, nothing makes it better.
Mono build causes the lag. IL2CPP build fixed it for me as well. And I disabled the “Raycast Target” for the objects which doesn’t need it. This will reduce the EventSystem effort/Update.