I was following along the docs here so that I could exclude certain objects from Post-Processing effects. The issue is when I did what it said, the overlay camera seems to affect everything despite setting the culling mask to only the layer I want to exclude from Post-Processing. I don’t really understand what I’m doing wrong. I’m on Unity 2021.3.32f1
This is the main camera
Culling Mask for the main cam (I don’t want OW-VFX affected by Post Processing)
This is the overlay camera
And as you can see it’s culling mask is set only to OW-VFX
This is my game with the Overlay Camera deactivated
And this is when it’s activated
I also checked the frame debugger and confirmed that it’s doing a Post Processing Draw call on the overlay camera, so it’s re-applying all post processing effects to the rendered image. This seems like a bug to me.