Extending textured gameObject smoothly in Unity

I’m creating simple game and I need to create extending cylinder. I know how to normally do it - by changing objects pivot point and scaling it up, but now I have texture on it and I don’t want it to stretch.

I fought about adding small segments to the end of the cylinder when it has to grow, but this wont work smooth and might affect performance. Do you know any solution to this?

This the rope texture that I’m using right now(but it might change in the future):

Before scaling - http://i.stack.imgur.com/7Wnos.jpg
After scaling - http://i.stack.imgur.com/egZ6W.jpg

What you’re looking for is called “Tiling”. I googled “Unity texture tiling” and got nothing but wonderful results. Try that before asking on the forums. :slight_smile:

However, here’s one of those links that I think you’ll find the most helpful.

It’s rather old and I have no idea if the script works or not, but at least you’ll see there’s some work involved to make this happen. In most cases you’ll need to do the scaling an texturing withing your 3D modeling application, as unity was never designed as a modeling tool and even simple scaling can butcher A LOT of functionality that you would never expect to be linked to scale.