Feature Request: Inspector Back


I would like to suggest a new feature,

A generic navigation system on the Editor, so you have the chance to go back to the previously selected gameobject on the Hierarchy or Project, mainly to reflect in inspector window.

Thinking on my mouse back button here, but there should be some graphic part on the top of Inspector itself I think…

There is the precedent Prefab navigation back button inside the Hierarchy window.


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Here a nice story: A colleague told me I can use Ctrl+Z… Incredibly enough it works pretty fine for the majority of the times I want it (just browsing to understand or access things, without modifying them). Although, I feel if I get accustomed to do that I would never make progress on my development… :frowning:

It’s incredible this feature was not requested before (by telling of a google search), or just done by Unity, since it seems a very easy thing to do… and it would improve productivity.