FMOD Errors regarding subsounds

we’re currently working on a content patch for our game and QA reported occasional FMOD errors in the logs.
We have not seen similar issues during release testing and we have not updated Unity since then (running on Unity 2021.3.25). We’re quite stumped what is happening here.

We’re using basic Unity Mixer, AudioSource and AudioClip setups with a custom wrapper-layer, but have had next to none interaction or issues with FMOD internals so far.

The errors in question:

First QA report with FMOD errors:
One occurence of

Audio clip "foo" could not be played. FMOD Error: An invalid seek position was passed to this function.

(no further callstack)

Several occurences of

Audio clip "foo" could not be played. FMOD Error: The error occured because the sound referenced contains subsounds when it shouldn't have, or it doesn't contain subsounds when it should have.  The operation may also not be able to be performed on a parent sound, or a parent sound was played without setting up a sentence first.
UnityEngine.AudioSource:Play() (at C:\build\output\unity\unity\Modules\Audio\Public\ScriptBindings\Audio.bindings.cs:841)

(further callstack from our voiceover playback wrapper)
The same audioclip is the cause of all errors in this report.

Second QA report

C:\build\output\unity\unity\Modules\Audio\Public\sound\SoundManager.cpp(228) : Error executing sound->getNumSubSounds(&numSubSounds) (Operation could not be performed because specified sound/DSP connection is not ready. )
Audio clip "bar" could not be played. FMOD Error: The error occured because the sound referenced contains subsounds when it shouldn't have, or it doesn't contain subsounds when it should have.  The operation may also not be able to be performed on a parent sound, or a parent sound was played without setting up a sentence first.

(no further callstack)
This error was caused by a different audioclip in a different session on a different machine.

Does anyone have a hint at what could be causing this? Or how we could debug this further? These errors do not seem reproduceable, but only happen very rarely in random circumstances.

Does anyone have a hint at what could be causing this? Or how we could debug this further? These errors do not seem reproduceable, but only happen very rarely in random circumstances.

Thank you very much!

C:\build\output\unity\unity\Modules\Audio\Public\sound\SoundManager.cpp(228) : Error executing sound->getNumSubSounds(&numSubSounds)
 (Operation could not be performed because specified sound/DSP connection is not ready. ) Audio clip "soundfile" could not be played.
 FMOD Error: The error occured because the sound referenced contains subsounds when it shouldn't have, or it doesn't contain subsounds when it should have. The operation may also not be able to be performed on a parent sound, or a parent sound was played without setting up a sentence first.

Sadly there are more random errors appearing :frowning:

Is this happening with short sounds compressed using Vorbis?
We’ve been notified of this kind of issue but so far, weren’t able to reproduce or identify the cause yet.

Hi, thank you for your answer.
not sure how you define short, but defiantly the sound were not long :slight_smile: The sounds from the reports are this long:


they are all compressed with vorbis. Those are the settings used for all of them. The are part of assetbundles.

We were not able to reproduce the issue. We did stress tests etc…
We also had no reports this week though the reports from before were from different users with different builds.
We have no clue what we can do to fix this and right now can only hope it just disappeared again. Which is not very comforting :wink:

Hey @Dominik-Abe !

Over the year, our version of FMOD evolved a lot, and I’m not surprised we could occasionally reach dark places because of race conditions… We’ve had reports of issues with short Vorbis sounds, but we’ve never been able to reproduce them sadly…

That being said, I think the issue you had there is different sigh…

It really seems to be a timing issue, and as it refers to the “readiness” of the sound, I believe you could mitigate or solve that by having a good hard look at your sounds loading. Loading a lot of sounds at the same time to play them immediately MIGHT be where this kind of error occurs.

Godspeed my friend!

Hey @Dominik-Abe !
I have the same problem. Has the problem been solved?

Same problem here… still no fix or investigation?

We are facing the same issue, it’s been happening already for a bit of time.
We cannot reproduce it always as it’s hard to catch, it happened to us using bundles and also in editor.

Please can you guys investigate a bit more this problem?, I dont think not being able to load stuff because of how its the system working behind the scenes is good for anyone, and that ‘fix’ is just a bandaid to the problem in my opinion.

As additional info, when it breaks that sound wont be playable again.
We are using Unity 2022.3.21f


Please submit a bug report and link it here. People will be able to upvote the bug and this way it may move faster through our backlog.

What is the status of this case?
Have you solved it?
The two errors that were reported when playing the AUDIO data of the attached image settings are being reproduced on iOS.
Once an error occurs, it will occur again and again.

The version is Unity 2022.3.34f1.

  • Audio clip “foo” could not be played. FMOD Error: An invalid seek position was passed to this function.

  • Audio clip “bar” could not be played. FMOD Error: The error occured because the sound referenced contains subsounds when it shouldn’t have, or it doesn’t contain subsounds when it should have. The operation may also not be able to be performed on a parent sound, or a parent sound was played without setting up a sentence first.

you have to destroy and create objects in a correct way. don’t use the default audio engine - use fmod or wwise effectively. a couple debugs into the unity api throughout c# and javascript may eventually allow you to fix this

What do you mean by default audio engine? Is it Unity’s AudioSource?