FPS tutorial still worth viewing?

Hi all,
I noticed that the FPS tutorial has been moved to the area of tutorials that were created for v1, in fact I it took me a while to find them.

The 3D Platformer tutorial is prominently displayed.

My question is, is the FPS tutorial now outdated and I should focus on the platformer tutorial?

I just don’t want to learn too much in the FPS tutorial that has changed, or is no longer relevant in v2.

Thanks all!

Hi Chosen One :slight_smile: ← Nice… I didn’t notice that before. Haha… Is that referring Kung Pow?

I personally think that there’s a ton of good info in the FPS tutorial that will still be relevant in Unity 2.

Best thing to do is load up the finished project into Unity from the download, run it and if it works correctly, you’ll know that it’s still good. Some of the functions, members, and variables have changed since then, but, Unity should give you a warning too and let you know what to change it to. :slight_smile:

Thanks again Nathan! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately my name isn’t as creative… it’s just my name with a 1 after it.
About 10 years ago I signed up for a high-speed Internet connection and showson was taken… it’s just been the same since… haha.

Although Kung Pow did crack me up!! :wink:

I got a lot out of the FPS tutorial. Although some of the syntax might have changed in Unity 2.0 it still gave me a glimpse at some of the power available with Unity and gave me place to start as far as first person shooters.

The FPS tutorial is worth looking at if you’re already comfortable (at least a bit) with Unity. IMO, it’s not a good “first experience” though as it’s not compatible with v2 and the noob will have a tougher time sorting out what they’ve done wrong, what’s due to changes in Unity 2.x or otherwise.

FYI: our demo team has it on their to-do list to revamp or possibly just recreate that tutorial in a 2.x friendly way.

where is that tutorial?

Please give the link. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heres the link:

I suggest to learn first with this tutorials: http://www.learnmesilly.com/

Then take a look into 2D Tutorial.
Then read FPS Tutorial.
And then 3D Platform tutorial.

I dont know why, the 3D PLatform was more difficult to me. :lol:

Oh!! thank you very much.

3D and 2D is very differents the programming, maybe you have more experience in 2D or is more easy asimilate for you.

The FPS tutorial es for 3D?

Yes, FPS tutorial is 3D… I got no problems with it… the errors that occur because of the version forces you to learn… so I learn :lol:

I thought it was still useful, if a little dated.

P.S. - don’t ask yoggy for the Avert Fate source

I hope this tutorial is prioritized especially now that unity indie is free.

Catch up with the rest of us, the tutorial was updated for 2.x compatibility over a month ago! :slight_smile: