[Free][iOS][Android] Orbert

Proud to showcase Orbert, now available on Google Play and iOS. It features 100 challenging levels where the player must swing a spaceship around a map by orbiting each moon. The controls are simply tap, hold, release.

The game features a number of online services, many of which I have not used before:

  • Everyplay (replays)
  • GameCentre (Leaderboards & Achievements)
  • Google Play Game Services (Leaderboards & Achievements)
  • Unity IAP
  • Unity Ads
  • Unity Analytics

The game was originally made before the new UI system was released for Unity. So part of the polishing process was to actually gut all the OnGUI code and replace it with the new system. It felt very good doing this and allowed for a much more dynamic UI!

Probably the coolest part of Orbert from a dev standpoint is the level editor we built for it. All 100 levels were actually created using 64x64 images in Photoshop with a strictly limited colour palette. Black=obstacle, Green=Moon, Blue=Spawn Point. The images are imported into Unity and an editor tool converts each one to a text file which is loaded at runtime. You’ll notice the levels load extremely fast, and the game is actually just one scene file aside from a preloader. Designing levels with Photoshop was really nice and had us pumping out 2-3 levels per day, per level designer. With any luck if the game catches on, it’ll be an extremely simple process to add more levels to the game.

Another editor tool we built was for level previews. The Editor will generate each level and position the camera perfectly to capture the level and generate an image which is displayed via a UI.RawImage. This felt like an essential tool to have to allow us to modify levels and not have to worry about missing a step when updating the game.

This game is primarily a portfolio piece for the studio while we work on larger projects, but I wanted to share it here with everyone. We had a lot of positive feedback on the game and a surprising number of people who downloaded it actually played through all 100 levels, which is kinda crazy considering how difficult they become. Hope you check it out and enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions about development.

1 Like

Wow! The game looks hard as “f***”
Well done!

Orbert is now available on Kongregate! I’m very impressed with the WebGL version. It has all the same features and functionality of the original game, except for EveryPlay. This web version includes all the levels for free.