Get it now if you want it before the price bump takes effect. If you buy it in the next couple hours, you can get it for $4.99 and get the update for free.
100 materials total, more on the way! I took a break for 4 years to do school, but I’m back at it now
@yc960 PBS 2 is almost exclusively 2048x2048 (with one or two at 1024) for the main textures (normals, albedo, occlusion, etc.). There are a few textures that are not used directly (such as a rust map) that are used for the detail channel of Unity’s PBR shader that are lower resolution. PBS 1 is about half and half with 2048 and 1024.
Thanks to everyone who has put both of these materials packs on the front page of the asset store! I greatly appreciate your support.
Let me know if you have any recommendations for PBS 3!
As always, I’m happy to answer each and every question you have, so fire away. Even though you probably sneeze at the price, I value each individual customer’s questions and expectations because that’s how we grow our business.
I am considering changing the price of this PBS Materials series. I would welcome your input with regards to the quality + price ratio, especially if you have already purchased this. In your responses, please include whether you have already purchased these assets and if you think the price is too high, too low, or reasonable.
So I was able to generate this material with Blender’s Cycles baker, node-based materials and some painting/sculpting. I’m going for the wavy dunes sand pattern here, but it is easily adjustable based on any heightmap that you throw on top. The details are all done with the details slots on the Standard shader, so it is very easy to tweak into a wide variety of materials because the albedo and main normal maps can be whatever you want. If you set it to a pinkish white, you can get pink sand, etc. With different normal maps (which are just black and white bump maps that are imported into Unity as a normal map), you can change the shape of the dunes, or even remove them altogether.
In the last 4 years, I’ve completed a degree in computer science and have settled into my full-time gig. I’ve finally got a bit of free time to work on some assets again, so I just spent a few hours cleaning up my publisher page and product images and making sure my PBR materials packs are good to go in newer versions of Unity (I had last exported them from Unity 5!!! ). Updates should be live within a few days
In the meantime, the asset store added a nice little upgrade option, so I setup one for my PBR materials pack! You can upgrade to PBS pack 2 for only $3.99 if you’ve already bought pack 1!! :p:smile:
Alrighty y’all, the PBR Material Pack updates have finally gone live Product images are improved a bit, and I uploaded from a more modern Unity version. More updates coming soon…
100+ PBR Material Mega Pack coming soon to the Asset Store! All of our materials will get thrown in here up to 1000 materials. We’re currently right around 100 and are now uploading more consistently.
Comment here and I’ll message you with your exclusive 50% off discount to get it now on Gumroad!